List of German names for places in Slovakia

Below is a list of cities and towns in Slovakia, showing their German name. German is a minority language in Slovakia. The note Empire of Austria means that a post office - in the Kingdom of Hungary - used the German name before 1867.[1]

Complete list

Banská Bystrica
Spišská Nová Ves
 Slovakia Slowakien
Slovakian name German name(s) Usage notes
Bánovce nad Bebravou Banowitz
Banská Bystrica Neusohl Empire of Austria
Banská Štiavnica Schemnitz Empire of Austria
Bardejov Bartfeld Empire of Austria
Bojnice Weinitz
Bratislava Preßburg Empire of Austria
Brezno Bries an der Gran
Brezová pod Bradlom Birkenhain
Bytča Großbitsch
Čadca Tschadsa Rare; Names pronounced alike
Dobšiná Dobschau Empire of Austria
Dolný Kubín Unterkubin Names mean "lower Kubín"
Dubnica nad Váhom Dubnitz an der Waag Names mean "Dubnitz on the Váh"
Dudince Dudintze Names pronounced alike
Dunajská Streda Niedermarkt (very rare) Names mean "lower market"
Fiľakovo Fülleck Empire of Austria (FÜLEK)
Galanta Gallandau
Gbely Egbell
Gelnica Göllnitz Empire of Austria
Handlová Kreckerhaj
Hlohovec Freistadt an der Waag/ Freistadtl
Hnúšťa Nusten
Holíč Holitsch Empire of Austria
Hriňová Hrinau
Humenné Homenau Homonna ?
Hurbanovo Altdala
Ilava Illau - Illava ? Very rare
Jelšava Eltsch
Kežmarok Kaesmark, Kesmark Empire of Austria
Kysucké Nové Mesto Kis(s)utz-Neustadtl
Komárno Komorn, Comorn Empire of Austria
Košice Kaschau, Cashau Empire of Austria
Krásno nad Kysucou Crassna
Kremnica Kremnitz Empire of Austria
Krompachy Krompach
Krupina Karpfen Empire of Austria
Leopoldov Leopoldstadt Name means "Leopold town"
Levice Lewenz
Levoča Leutschau
Lipany Siebenlinden
Liptovský Hrádok Neuhäusel [in der Liptau] Empire of Austria
Liptovský Mikuláš Liptau-St. Nikolaus The Hungarian name Lipto Szent Miklos was in use before 1867
Lučenec Lizenz
Malacky Malaczka Empire of Austria
Martin (Turz-)St. Martin
Medzev Metzenseifen, Meczenzef Empire of Austria
Michalovce Großmichel
Modra Modern Empire of Austria
Modrý Kameň Blauenstein
Moldava nad Bodvou Moldau (an der Bodwa), Szepsi/Moldau Empire of Austria
Myjava Miava Empire of Austria
Nitra Neutra Empire of Austria
Nová Baňa Königsberg an der Gran, in UNG. Empire of Austria
Nová Dubnica Neudubnitz Names mean "New Dubnica"
Nové Mesto nad Váhom Neustadt an der Waag/ Neustadtl Names mean "New town on the Váh"
Nové Zámky Neuhäus(e)l Names mean "New manor"
Pezinok Bösing
Piešťany Pistyan Empire of Austria
Püschtin Very rare
Podolínec Podolin Pudlein Empire of Austria
Poprad Deutschendorf German name means "German village". The Hungarian name was used in the Austrian Empire.
Považská Bystrica Waagbistritz
Prešov Eperies Compare Hungarian name Eperjes
Prievidza Priwitz
Púchov Puchau Pucho in Empire of Austria
Rajec Rajetz Raitz in Empire of Austria
Rajecké Teplice Bad Rajetz Names mean "Rajec Spa"
Revúca Groß-Rauschenbach Rare
Rimavská Sobota Großsteffelsdorf
Rožňava Rosenau Empire of Austria
Ružomberok Rosenberg Empire of Austria
Sabinov Zeben, Zeeben Empire of Austria
Šahy Eipelschlag
Šaľa Schelle
Šamorín Sommerein Empire of Austria
Šaštín-Stráže Ews
Sassin Empire of Austria
Senec Wartberg Empire of Austria
Senica Senitz
Skalica Skalitz, Skalicz Empire of Austria
Sládkovičovo (Klein-)Diosek Groß-Diosek also once existed. Dioszegh in Empire of Austria
Sobrance Sobranz
Spišská Belá Zipser Bela Names mean "Zipser Belá"
Spišská Nová Ves Neuendorf
(Zipser) Neudorf Names mean "Zipser new village"
Spišské Podhradie Kirchdrauf Empire of Austria
Spišská Stará Ves Altendorf Stará Ves and Altendorf mean "Old village". Empire of Austria.
Spišské Vlachy Wallendorf Empire of Austria
Stará Ľubovňa Altlublau Names mean "Old Lubovna"
Stará Turá Alt-Turn Names mean "Old Tura"
Strážske Straschke
Stropkov Stroppkau
Stupava Stampfen Empire of Austria
Štúrovo Parkan
Šurany Schuran Rare
Svätý Jur St. Georgen in Ungarn Empire of Austria
Svidník Oberswidnik German name means "Upper Svidník"
Tisovec Theißholz
Theisscholcz Empire of Austria
Topoľčany Topoltschan
Trebišov Trebischau
Trenčín Trentschin Trenchin in Empire of Austria
Trenčianske Teplice Trentschinteplitz
Trnava Tyrnau, Tirnau Empire of Austria
Trstená B[r]ingenstadt
Turčianske Teplice Bad Stuben
Tvrdošín Turdoschin
Veľký Šariš Großscharosch
Vranov nad Topľou Frö(h)nel
Vronau an der Töpl Names mean "Vranov on the Topľa"
Vrbové Werbau
Vrútky Ruttek Rare
Vysoké Tatry Hohe Tatra High Tatra", a mountain range
Žarnovica Scharnowitz
Želiezovce Zelis, Zeliz Empire of Austria
Žiar nad Hronom Heiligenkreuz, Heligenkreutz Empire of Austria
Žilina Sillein
Zlaté Moravce Goldmorawitz Names mean "Golden Moravce"
Zvolen Altsohl Empire of Austria

See also



  1. ^ Edwin Mueller Handbuch der Entwertungen, 1961