List of Jesuit sites

Church of the Gesu, mother church of the Society of Jesus in Rome
College church (St. Mariä Himmelfahrt), Cologne
Ruins of Saint Paul's Church, Macau
Professed house church in Paris
Novitiate of Sant'Andrea al Quirinale, Rome
University Church, Vienna
College church, Puebla
College church, Minsk
Professed house church, Vilnius
Professed house in Malá Strana, Prague
Church of the Gesù, Brussels

This list includes past and present buildings, facilities and institutions associated with the Society of Jesus. In each country, sites are listed in chronological order of start of Jesuit association.

Nearly all these sites have been managed or maintained by Jesuits at some point of time since the Society's founding in the 16th century, with indication of the relevant period in parentheses; the few exceptions are sites associated with particularly significant episodes of Jesuit history, such as the Martyrium of Saint Denis in Paris, site of the original Jesuit vow on 15 August 1534. The Jesuits have built many new colleges and churches over the centuries, for which the start date indicated is generally the start of the project (e.g. invitation or grant from a local ruler) rather than the opening of the institution which often happened several years later. The Jesuits also occasionally took over a pre-existing institution and/or building, for example a number of medieval abbeys in the Holy Roman Empire.

In the third quarter of the 18th century, the suppression of the Society of Jesus abruptly terminated the Jesuit presence in nearly all facilities that existed at the time. Many of these, however, continued their educational mission under different management; in cases where they moved to different premises from the ones operated by the Jesuits, the Jesuit site is mentioned in the list as precursor to the later institution. Outside Rome, sites operated by Jesuits since the early 19th century are generally different from those before the 18th-century suppression. Later episodes of expulsion of the Jesuits also terminated their involvement in a number of institutions, e.g. in Russia in 1820, parts of Italy at several times during the 19th century, Switzerland in 1847, Germany in 1872, Portugal in 1910, China after 1949, Cuba in 1961, or Haiti in 1964.

The territorial allocation across countries uses contemporary boundaries, which often differ from historical ones. An exception is made for Rome which is highlighted at the start. Similarly and for simplicity, only modern place names are mentioned, spelled as on their main Wikipedia page in English, even in cases where those modern names were never in use during the time of local Jesuit involvement.




Chapel of La Storta
Historic building of Collegio Romano
Church of Sant'Ignazio
Palazzo Gabrielli Borromeo
Gregorian University
Casa Generalizia of the Jesuit Order




Church am Hof, Vienna
College church, Innsbruck
Stella Matutina, Feldkirch
Canisius College, Innsbruck


Jesuit College in Polotsk (1580-1820), site of the Jesuit curia during the Suppression of the Society of Jesus
College in Orsha
College church, Grodno
College in Pinsk


College church, Antwerp
College courtyard, Tournai
College church, Kortrijk
College church, Leuven
Saint Michael College, Brussels

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Seminary in Travnik


Jesuit church, Rijeka


Clementinum library, Prague
College in Chomutov
College in Kutná Hora


Jesus Heart's Church, Copenhagen




College of Clermont, Paris, before 19th-century destruction
College church, Cambrai
College in Lyon
College in Bourges
College church, Eu
College church, Rouen
College in Besançon
College portal, La Flèche
College church, Rennes
College in Moulins
College in Reims
Novitiate in Paris
College church, Metz
College in Clermont-Ferrand
College in Strasbourg
Lycée Sainte-Geneviève, Versailles


College in Munich
College church, Munich
College church, Würzburg
College in Mainz
College in Dillingen
College in Heiligenstadt
College church, Landsberg am Lech
College in Koblenz
College in Paderborn
College church, Münster
College church, Aachen
College church, Heidelberg




View of Buda with the church of Saint Anne (left), Matthias Church and Hilton Hotel on the grounds of the Jesuit college (background)
College at Székesfehérvár


Clongowes Wood College
Manresa House, Dublin

Italy (outside Rome)

College in Naples
College church, Genoa
College church, Turin
Brera college, Milan
Professed house (Gesù Nuovo), Naples
College church, Trieste
College in Venice




Novitiate at Cagliari


College church, Trapani
College at Mazara del Vallo
Seminary church, Noto




Residence church in Skaistkalne


Vilnius college courtyard
Kaunas college church


College in Luxembourg






Church in Amersfoort
Berchmanianum, Nijmegen


College in Poznań
Collegium Broscianum in Kraków
College in Sandomierz
University of Wrocław
College in Krasnystaw


College of arts, Coimbra
College church, Funchal
College church, Santarém


College church, Târgu Mureș


College in Saint Petersburg




University in Trnava


College church, Maribor


Sanctuary of Loyola
Cave of St Ignatius, Manresa
College in Segovia
College in Madrid
College church, Santander
English college, Valladolid
College in Monforte de Lemos
College in Granada
Novitiate in Seville
College church, Salamanca
University of Deusto, Bilbao
St Ignatius College, Barcelona
Jesuitas Maldonado complex in Madrid




College in Lucerne
College in Fribourg


College church, Lviv
College at Kremenets
College church, Ternopil
1930s aerial view of Chyrów College, (Poland), now Khyriv

United Kingdom

St Ignatius, Preston
St Beuno's Centre in Tremeirchion, Wales
Sacred Heart, Wimbledon
Campion Hall, Oxford

