List of Nepenthes species by distribution

Global distribution of Nepenthes

This list of Nepenthes species is a comprehensive listing of all known species of the carnivorous plant genus Nepenthes arranged according to their distribution. It is based on the 2009 monograph Pitcher Plants of the Old World[1] and, unless otherwise stated, all information is taken from this source.

Several species with an expansive geographical range are mentioned more than once. Species that are not endemic to a given region are marked with an asterisk.


Nepenthes mantalingajanensis

Nepenthes species recorded from the Philippines.

  1. N. abalata[2]
  2. N. abgracilis[3]
  3. N. aenigma[4]
  4. N. alata
  5. N. alfredoi[5][6]
  6. N. alzapan[7]
  7. N. argentii
  8. N. armin[8]
  9. N. attenboroughii
  10. N. barcelonae[9]
  11. N. bellii
  12. N. burkei
  13. N. cabanae[10]
  14. ?N. campanulata[11] *
  15. N. candalaga[12]
  16. N. ceciliae[13]
  17. N. cid[3]
  18. N. copelandii
  19. N. cornuta[14]
  20. N. deaniana
  21. N. erucoides[15]
  22. N. extincta[16]
  23. N. gantungensis[17]
  24. N. graciliflora[18]
  25. N. hamiguitanensis[19]
  26. N. justinae[4]
  27. N. kampalili[20]
  28. N. kitanglad[16]
  29. N. leonardoi[21]
  30. N. leyte[16]
  31. N. malimumuensis[22]
  32. N. manobo[22]
  33. N. mantalingajanensis
  34. N. maximoides
  35. N. merrilliana
  36. N. micramphora
  37. N. mindanaoensis
  38. N. mira
  39. N. mirabilis *
  40. N. nebularum[23]
  41. N. negros[18]
  42. N. palawanensis[24]
  43. N. pantaronensis[14]
  44. N. peltata
  45. N. petiolata
  46. N. philippinensis
  47. N. pulchra[13]
  48. N. ramos[25]
  49. N. robcantleyi[26]
  50. N. samar[27]
  51. N. saranganiensis
  52. N. sibuyanensis
  53. N. sumagaya[28]
  54. N. surigaoensis
  55. N. talaandig[14]
  56. N. tboli[8]
  57. N. truncata
  58. N. ultra[29]
  59. N. ventricosa
  60. N. viridis[30]
  61. N. zygon[8]
  62. N. sp. Anipahan[31]


Nepenthes rajah
Nepenthes villosa

Nepenthes species recorded from Borneo.

  1. N. albomarginata *
  2. N. ampullaria *
  3. N. appendiculata[32]
  4. N. bicalcarata
  5. N. boschiana
  6. N. burbidgeae
  7. N. campanulata[11] *
  8. N. chaniana
  9. N. clipeata
  10. N. edwardsiana
  11. N. ephippiata
  12. N. epiphytica[33]
  13. N. faizaliana
  14. N. fractiflexa[34]
  15. N. fusca
  16. N. glandulifera
  17. N. gracilis *
  18. N. hemsleyana[35]
  19. N. hirsuta
  20. N. hispida
  21. N. hurrelliana
  22. N. lowii
  23. N. macrophylla
  24. N. macrovulgaris
  25. N. mapuluensis
  26. N. mirabilis *
  27. N. mollis
  28. N. muluensis
  29. N. murudensis
  30. N. northiana
  31. N. pilosa
  32. N. platychila
  33. N. pudica
  34. N. rafflesiana *
  35. N. rajah
  36. N. reinwardtiana *
  37. N. stenophylla
  38. N. tentaculata *
  39. N. veitchii
  40. N. villosa
  41. N. vogelii


Nepenthes aristolochioides
Nepenthes sumatrana

Nepenthes species recorded from Sumatra.

  1. N. adnata
  2. N. albomarginata *
  3. N. ampullaria *
  4. N. angasanensis
  5. N. aristolochioides
  6. N. beccariana
  7. N. bongso
  8. N. densiflora
  9. N. diatas
  10. N. dubia
  11. N. eustachya
  12. N. flava
  13. N. gracilis *
  14. N. gymnamphora *
  15. N. harauensis[36]
  16. N. inermis
  17. N. izumiae
  18. N. jacquelineae
  19. N. jamban
  20. N. junghuhnii
  21. N. lavicola
  22. N. lingulata
  23. N. longifolia
  24. N. longiptera[37]
  25. N. mikei
  26. N. mirabilis *
  27. N. naga
  28. N. ovata
  29. N. putaiguneung[38]
  30. N. rafflesiana *
  31. N. reinwardtiana *
  32. N. rhombicaulis
  33. N. rigidifolia
  34. N. samudera[39]
  35. N. singalana
  36. N. spathulata *
  37. N. spectabilis
  38. N. sumatrana
  39. N. talangensis
  40. N. taminii[40]
  41. N. tenuis
  42. N. tobaica

Peninsular Malaysia[edit]

Nepenthes malayensis

Nepenthes species recorded from Peninsular Malaysia.

  1. N. alba
  2. N. albomarginata *
  3. N. ampullaria *
  4. N. benstonei
  5. N. berbulu[41]
  6. N. domei[42]
  7. N. gracilis *
  8. N. gracillima
  9. N. kerrii
  10. N. latiffiana[42]
  11. N. limiana[43]
  12. N. macfarlanei
  13. N. malayensis[44]
  14. N. mirabilis *
  15. N. rafflesiana *
  16. N. ramispina
  17. N. sanguinea *
  18. N. sericea[41][45]
  19. N. ulukaliana[41][45]
  20. N. sp. Titiwangsa (pesonawangsa223)[46]


Nepenthes pitopangii

Nepenthes species recorded from Sulawesi

  1. N. diabolica[47]
  2. N. eymae
  3. N. glabrata
  4. N. gracilis *
  5. N. hamata
  6. N. maryae[48]
  7. N. maxima *
  8. N. minima[49]
  9. N. mirabilis *
  10. N. nigra[50]
  11. N. pitopangii
  12. N. tentaculata *
  13. N. tomoriana
  14. N. undulatifolia[51]


Nepenthes thai

Nepenthes species recorded from Thailand.

  1. N. ampullaria *
  2. N. andamana[52]
  3. N.  bracteosa
  4. N. chang[53]
  5. N. gracilis *
  6. N.  hirtella
  7. N. kampotiana *
  8. N. kerrii[54]
  9. N. kongkandana
  10. N. krabiensis[55]
  11. N. mirabilis *
  12. N. orbiculata[56]
  13. N. rosea[57]
  14. N. sanguinea *
  15. N. smilesii *
  16. N. suratensis[58]
  17. N. thai[59]

New Guinea[edit]

Nepenthes neoguineensis

Nepenthes species recorded from New Guinea.

  1. N. ampullaria *
  2. N. calcicola[60][61]*
  3. N. insignis
  4. N. klossii
  5. N. lamii
  6. N. maxima *
  7. N. mirabilis *
  8. N. monticola[62]
  9. N. neoguineensis *
  10. N. paniculata
  11. N. papuana
  12. N. treubiana *


Nepenthes species recorded from Cambodia.

  1. N. bokorensis
  2. N. gracilis[63] *
  3. N. holdenii[64]
  4. N. kampotiana *
  5. N. mirabilis *
  6. N. smilesii[65] *

Maluku Islands[edit]

Nepenthes species recorded from the Maluku Islands.

  1. N. ampullaria *
  2. N. halmahera[66]
  3. N. maxima *
  4. N. mirabilis *
  5. N. weda[66]


Nepenthes species recorded from Australia.

  1. N. mirabilis *
  2. N. parvula[67]
  3. N. rowaniae
  4. N. tenax


Nepenthes species recorded from Vietnam.

  1. N. kampotiana[68] *
  2. N. mirabilis *
  3. N. smilesii[69] *
  4. N. thorelii

Raja Ampat Islands[edit]

Nepenthes species recorded from the Raja Ampat Islands.

  1. N. danseri
  2. ?N. neoguineensis *
  3. ?N. treubiana *
  4. N. sp. Misool

D'Entrecasteaux Islands[edit]

Nepenthes species recorded from the D'Entrecasteaux Islands.

  1. N. maxima *
  2. N. mirabilis *
  3. N. neoguineensis *


Nepenthes species recorded from Java.

  1. N. gymnamphora *
  2. N. mirabilis *
  3. N. spathulata *


Nepenthes species recorded from Singapore.

  1. N. ampullaria *
  2. N. gracilis *
  3. N. rafflesiana *


Nepenthes species recorded from Madagascar.

  1. N. madagascariensis
  2. N. masoalensis


Nepenthes species recorded from Laos.

  1. N. mirabilis *
  2. N. smilesii *


Nepenthes species recorded from India.

  1. N. khasiana

New Caledonia[edit]

Nepenthes species recorded from New Caledonia.

  1. N. vieillardii

Schouten Islands[edit]

Nepenthes species recorded from Schouten Islands.

  1. N. biak[70]


Nepenthes species recorded from the Seychelles.

  1. N. pervillei

Sri Lanka[edit]

Nepenthes species recorded from Sri Lanka.

  1. N. distillatoria

Caroline Islands[edit]

Nepenthes species recorded from the Caroline Islands

  1. N. mirabilis *


Nepenthes species recorded from China (including Hong Kong and Macau).

  1. N. mirabilis *

Louisiade Archipelago[edit]

Nepenthes species recorded from the Louisiade Archipelago.

  1. N. mirabilis *


Nepenthes species recorded from Myanmar.

  1. N. mirabilis *

See also[edit]


  1. ^ McPherson, S.R. 2009. Pitcher Plants of the Old World. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole.
  2. ^ Cheek, M. & M. Jebb 2013. Identification and typification of Nepenthes blancoi, with N. abalata sp. nov. from the western Visayas, Philippines. Nordic Journal of Botany, published online on January 25, 2013. doi:10.1111/j.1756-1051.2012.00012.x
  3. ^ a b Cheek, M. & M. Jebb 2013. The Nepenthes micramphora (Nepenthaceae) group, with two new species from Mindanao, Philippines. Phytotaxa 151(1): 25–34. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.151.1.2
  4. ^ a b Gronemeyer, T., W. Suarez, H. Nuytemans, M. Calaramo, A. Wistuba, F.S. Mey & V.B. Amoroso 2016. Two new Nepenthes species from the Philippines and an emended description of Nepenthes ramos. Plants 5(2): 23. doi:10.3390/plants5020023
  5. ^ Amoroso, Victor B.; Lagunday, Noel E.; Coritico, Fulgent P.; Colong, Ruel D. "Nepenthes alfredoi (Caryophyllales, Nepenthaceae), A New Species of Pitcher Plant from Mindanao, Philippines" (PDF). Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology website. Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology. Retrieved August 11, 2019.
  6. ^ "Nepenthaceae". Co's Digital Flora of the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology. Retrieved August 11, 2019.
  7. ^ Cheek, M. & M. Jebb 2013. Nepenthes alzapan (Nepenthaceae), a new species from Luzon, Philippines. Phytotaxa 100(1): 57–60. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.100.1.6
  8. ^ a b c Cheek, M. & M. Jebb 2014. Expansion of the Nepenthes alata group (Nepenthaceae), Philippines, and descriptions of three new species. Blumea 59: 144–154. doi:10.3767/000651914X685861
  9. ^ Cheek, M., D.N. Tandang & P.B. Pelser 2015. Nepenthes barcelonae (Nepenthaceae), a new species from Luzon, Philippines. Phytotaxa 222(2): 145–150. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.222.2.7
  10. ^ Lagunday, Noel E.; Amoroso, Victor B. (2019). "Nepenthes cabanae (Caryophyllales, Nepenthaceae), a new species of pitcher plant from Central Mindanao, Philippines" (PDF). Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology. 13 (2): 39–45. doi:10.26757/pjsb2019a13005. Retrieved March 2, 2020.
  11. ^ a b Clarke, C., C.C. Lee & V. Enar 2014. Observations of the natural history and ecology of Nepenthes campanulata. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 43(1): 7–13.
  12. ^ "Nepenthes candalaga Lagunday & V. B. Amoroso 2022, sp. nov. - Plazi TreatmentBank". Retrieved 2022-07-20.
  13. ^ a b McPherson, S.R. & V.B. Amoroso 2011. Field Guide to the Pitcher Plants of the Philippines. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole.
  14. ^ a b c Gronemeyer, T., F. Coritico, A. Wistuba, D. Marwinski, T. Gieray, M. Micheler, F.S. Mey & V. Amoroso 2014. Four new species of Nepenthes L. (Nepenthaceae) from the central mountains of Mindanao, Philippines. Plants 3(2): 284–303. doi:10.3390/plants3020284
  15. ^ Robinson, Alastair S.; Zamudio, Sarah Grace; Caballero, Rolly Balagon (2019-10-31). "Nepenthes erucoides (Nepenthaceae), an ultramaficolous micro-endemic from Dinagat Islands Province, northern Mindanao, Philippines". Phytotaxa. 423 (1): 21–32. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.423.1.3. ISSN 1179-3163.
  16. ^ a b c Cheek, M. & M. Jebb 2013. Recircumscription of the Nepenthes alata group (Caryophyllales: Nepenthaceae), in the Philippines, with four new species. European Journal of Taxonomy 69: 1–23. doi:10.5852/ejt.2013.69
  17. ^ McPherson, S., J. Cervancia, C. Lee, M. Jaunzems, A. Fleischmann, F. Mey, E. Gironella & A. Robinson 2010. Nepenthes gantungensis (Nepenthaceae), a new pitcher plant species from Mount Gantung, Palawan, Philippines. In: S.R. McPherson Carnivorous Plants and their Habitats. Volume 2. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole. pp. 1286–1295.
  18. ^ a b Cheek, M. & M. Jebb 2013. Typification and redelimitation of Nepenthes alata with notes on the N. alata group, and N. negros sp. nov. from the Philippines. Nordic Journal of Botany 31(5): 616–622. doi:10.1111/j.1756-1051.2012.00099.x
  19. ^ Gronemeyer, T., A. Wistuba, V. Heinrich, S. McPherson, F. Mey & A. Amoroso 2010. Nepenthes hamiguitanensis (Nepenthaceae), a new pitcher plant species from Mindanao Island, Philippines. In: S.R. McPherson Carnivorous Plants and their Habitats. Volume 2. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole. pp. 1296–1305.
  20. ^ Lagunday, Noel E.; Yurong, Aimanuelzon; Amoroso, Victor B. (2024-04-11). "Nepenthes kampalili (Nepenthaceae), a new species of pitcher plant from the eastern mindanao biodiversity corridor, Philippines". Phytotaxa. 644 (2): 163–170. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.644.2.8. ISSN 1179-3163.
  21. ^ McPherson, S., G. Bourke, J. Cervancia, M. Jaunzems, E. Gironella, A. Robinson & A. Fleischmann 2011. Nepenthes leonardoi (Nepenthaceae), a new pitcher plant species from Palawan, Philippines. Carniflora Australis 8(1): 4–19.
  22. ^ a b "Two New Nepenthes Species from the Unexplored Mountains of Central Mindanao, Philippines" (pdf). Republic of the Philippines - Philippine Journal of Science. Philippine Journal of Science. June 2017. pp. 159–160. Retrieved August 10, 2019.
  23. ^ Mansell, G. & W. Suarez (2016). Nepenthes nebularum, a new species from Mindanao, Philippines. Carnivorous Plant Newsletter 45(4): 132–139.
  24. ^ McPherson, S., J. Cervancia, C. Lee, M. Jaunzems, A. Fleischmann, F. Mey, E. Gironella & A. Robinson 2010. Nepenthes palawanensis (Nepenthaceae), a new pitcher plant species from Sultan Peak, Palawan Island, Philippines. In: S.R. McPherson Carnivorous Plants and their Habitats. Volume 2. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole. pp. 1332–1339.
  25. ^ Cheek, M. & M. Jebb 2013. Nepenthes ramos (Nepenthaceae), a new species from Mindanao, Philippines. Willdenowia 43(1): 107–111. doi:10.3372/wi.43.43112
  26. ^ Cheek, M. 2011. Nepenthes robcantleyi sp. nov. (Nepenthaceae) from Mindanao, Philippines. Nordic Journal of Botany 29(6): 677–681. doi:10.1111/j.1756-1051.2011.01449.x
  27. ^ Cheek, M. & M. Jebb 2013. Nepenthes samar (Nepenthaceae), a new species from Samar, Philippines. Blumea 58(1): 82–84. doi:10.3767/000651913X673513
  28. ^ Cheek, M. 2014. Nomen novum Nepenthes. Planta Carnivora 36(2): 44–45.
  29. ^ Cheek, M. & M. Jebb 2013. Nepenthes ultra (Nepenthaceae), a new species from Luzon, Philippines. Blumea, published online on October 24, 2013. doi:10.3767/000651913X675124
  30. ^ (in German) Micheler, M., T. Gronemeyer, A. Wistuba, D. Marwinski, W. Suarez & V. Amoroso 2013. Nepenthes viridis, eine neue Nepenthes-Art von der Insel Dinagat, Philippinen. Das Taublatt 76: 4–21.
  31. ^ McPherson, S.R. 2011. The discovery of Nepenthes sp. 'Anipahan'. In: New Nepenthes: Volume One. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole. pp. 330–345.
  32. ^ Lee, C.C., G. Bourke, W. Taylor, S.T. Yeo & K. Rembold 2011. Nepenthes appendiculata, a new pitcher plant from Sarawak. In: McPherson, S.R. New Nepenthes: Volume One. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole. pp. 24–35.
  33. ^ Robinson, A.S., J. Nerz & A. Wistuba 2011. Nepenthes epiphytica, a new pitcher plant from East Kalimantan. In: McPherson, S.R. New Nepenthes: Volume One. Redfern Natural History Productions, Poole. pp. 36–51.
  34. ^ Golos, M.R., A.S. Robinson, M. Barer, M. Dančák, J. De Witte, A. Limberg, N.B.M. Sapawi & W. Tjiasmanto (2020). Nepenthes fractiflexa (Nepenthaceae), a new Bornean pitcher plant exhibiting concaulescent metatopy and a high degree of axillary bud activation. Phytotaxa 432(2): 125–143. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.432.2.3
  35. ^ Scharmann, M. & T.U. Grafe 2013. Reinstatement of Nepenthes hemsleyana (Nepenthaceae), an endemic pitcher plant from Borneo, with a discussion of associated Nepenthes taxa. Blumea 58(1): 8–12. doi:10.3767/000651913X668465
  36. ^ Hernawati, Hernawati; Satria, Robi; Lee, Ch'ien C. (2022-06-30). "Nepenthes Harauensis, A New Species of Nepenthaceae from West Sumatra". Reinwardtia. 21 (1): 19–23. doi:10.14203/reinwardtia.v21i1.4306. ISSN 2337-8824. S2CID 250194898.
  37. ^ Victoriano, Malcolm (2021-07-07). "A New Species of Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) and ITS Natural Hybrids from Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia". Reinwardtia. 20 (1): 17–26. doi:10.14203/reinwardtia.v20i1.3932. ISSN 2337-8824. S2CID 237770035.
  38. ^ Metusala, Destario; Al Farishy, Dee Dee; Jebb, Matthew (2020-08-04). "Nepenthes putaiguneung (Nepenthaceae), a new species from highland of Sumatra, Indonesia". Phytotaxa. 454 (4): 285–292. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.454.4.6. ISSN 1179-3163. S2CID 225376444.
  39. ^ Chiu, Ronald; Goh, Elena; Hai, Daniel Lim; Adarlo, Mark Balahadia (December 2023). "Nepenthes samudera sp. nov. Largest known Nepenthes species from Sumatra, with adaptations for a terrestrial growth habit". Kalpataru. 1: 7–22. ISSN 2976-7075.
  40. ^ "Nepenthes taminii | International Plant Names Index". Retrieved 2024-02-04.
  41. ^ a b c Tan, Hong L.; Lim, Gideon; Mey, François Sockhom; Golos, Michal R.; Wistuba, Andreas; McPherson, Stewart R.; Robinson, Alastair S. (2023-03-01). "Nepenthes berbulu (Nepenthaceae), a pitcher plant from Peninsular Malaysia with remarkably long lid bristles". Carnivorous Plant Newsletter. 52 (1): 15–43. doi:10.55360/cpn521.fm322.
  42. ^ a b Ghazalli, Mohd Norfaizal; Tamizi, Amin Asyraf; Nikong, Dome; Besi, Edward Entalai; Esa, Muhamad Ikhawanuddin Mat; Nordin, Anuar Rasyidi Mohd; Latiff, A.; Zaini, Ahmad Zaki; Shakri, Mohamad Alias (1 July 2020). "Nepenthes latiffiana and N. domei (Nepenthaceae), two new species of pitcher plants from Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia". Webbia. 75 (1): 5–28. Bibcode:2020Webbi..75....5G. doi:10.36253/jopt-7950.
  43. ^ Golos, Michal R.; Mey, François Sockhom; Wistuba, Andreas; Lim, Gideon; McPherson, Stewart R.; Robinson, Alastair S. (2023-09-01). "Nepenthes limiana (Nepenthaceae), a new pitcher plant from the northern Titiwangsa Range of Peninsular Malaysia". Carnivorous Plant Newsletter. 52 (3): 128–153. doi:10.55360/cpn523.mg603.
  44. ^ Tamizi, Amin Asyraf; Ghazalli, Mohd Norfaizal; Nikong, Dome; Besi, Edward Entalai; Mat-Esa, Muhamad Ikhwanuddin; Mohd-Nordin, Anuar Rasyidi; Latiff, A.; Shakri, Mohamad Alias (2020-12-20). "Nepenthes malayensis (Nepenthaceae), a new species of carnivorous pitcher plant from Peninsular Malaysia". Kew Bulletin. 75 (4): 63. Bibcode:2020KewBu..75...63T. doi:10.1007/s12225-020-09918-z. ISSN 1874-933X. S2CID 234532520.
  45. ^ a b Lim, Gideon; Golos, Michal R.; Mey, François S.; Wistuba, Andreas; McPherson, Stewart R.; Robinson, Alastair S. (April 13, 2023). Delimitation of the Nepenthes macfarlanei Group with two species described as new In: Nepenthes - The Tropical Pitcher Plants Volume 3 (PDF). Redfern Natural History Productions. ISBN 978-1-908787-49-1. Retrieved May 27, 2023. {{cite book}}: |website= ignored (help)CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  46. ^ Tamizi, Amin-Asyraf; Mohamad, Salasiah; Shakri, Mohamad-Alias; Mohd-Rusli, Nurshahidah; Mat-Amin, Noriha; Mohamad-Jamali, Muhamad-Arif (2023-08-08). "Insights into The Diversity of Nepenthes L. (Nepenthaceae) Across Peninsular Malaysia, Including The First Sighting of an Undescribed Taxon with Flared Peristomes and Quadruple-Row Ventral Wings". Journal of Sustainable Natural Resources. 4 (1): 10–36. doi:10.30880/jsunr.2023.04.01.002. ISSN 2716-7143.
  47. ^ Bianchi, A., C.C. Lee, M.R. Golos, F.S. Mey, M. Mansur, Y.M. Mambrasar & A.S. Robinson 2020. Nepenthes diabolica (Nepenthaceae), a new species of toothed pitcher plant from Central Sulawesi. Phytotaxa 464(1): 29–48. doi:10.11646/phytotaxa.464.1.2
  48. ^ Cheek, M. & M. Jebb 2016. A new section in Nepenthes (Nepenthaceae) and a new species from Sulawesi. Blumea 61: 59–62. doi:10.3767/000651916X691510
  49. ^ Cheek, M. & M.H.P. Jebb (2016). Nepenthes minima (Nepenthaceae), a new pyrophytic grassland species from Sulawesi, Indonesia. Blumea 61: 181–185. doi:10.3767/000651916X693509
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