Русский: Сравнение размеров выбранных гигантских завропод.
Было предложено несколько оценок длины для разных таксонов с разной степенью точности. На этой диаграмме используются наиболее точные оценки для избежания возможной недостоверности.
Размеры основаны на:
Supersaurus : Lovelace, David M.; Hartman, Scott A.; Wahl, William R. (2007). "Morphology of a specimen of Supersaurus (Dinosauria, Sauropoda) from the Morrison Formation of Wyoming, and a re-evaluation of diplodocid phylogeny" Arquivos do Museu Nacional. 65 (4): 527–544.
Argentinosaurus : Paul, Gregory S. (Autumn 1994)"Big Sauropods - Really, Really Big Sauropods" (PDF). The Dinosaur Report: 12–13. Retrieved November 14, 2011. Argentinosaurus huinculensis schematic. Retrieved April 29, 2019.
Diplodocus : Carpenter, K. (2006). "Biggest of the big: a critical re-evaluation of the mega-sauropod Amphicoelias fragillimus." In Foster, J.R. and Lucas, S.G., eds., 2006, Paleontology and Geology of the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin 36: 131–138. "The biggest of the big". June 14, 2013. Retrieved April 29, 2019
Alamosaurus : Fowler, D. W.; Sullivan, R. M. (2011). "The First Giant Titanosaurian Sauropod from the Upper Cretaceous of North America". Acta Palaeontologica Polonica. 56 (4): 685. "The first giant titanosaurian sauropod from the Upper Cretaceous of North America" "The biggest of the big". June 14, 2013. Retrieved April 29, 2019
Xinjiangtitan : Wu, Wen-hao; Zhou, Chang-Fu; Wings, Oliver; Toru, Sekiya; Dong, Zhi-ming (2013)."A new gigantic sauropod dinosaur from the Middle Jurassic of Shanshan, Xinjiang" (PDF).
Sauroposeidon : Wedel, Mathew J.; Cifelli, Richard L. (Summer 2005). "Sauroposeidon: Oklahoma's Native Giant" (PDF).
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