Файл:Popular science monthly (1872) (14779856571).jpg

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Identifier: popularsciencemo89newyuoft (find matches)
Title: Popular science monthly
Year: 1872 (1870s)
Subjects: Science
Publisher: New York : D. Appleton
Contributing Library: Gerstein - University of Toronto
Digitizing Sponsor: University of Toronto

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Text Appearing Before Image:
i - A giant Gfrmyn (klil-periscope captured by the French during the earherbattles on the Somme. It was constructed by Zeiss, of Jena. The iUustralionshows it elevated to a height of fifty feet, the carriage supporting the collapsibletube at that height without any props or other assistance. However, withthe aid of stays and struts, the periscope can be extended to eighty-five feet,its greatest height. The insert shows the instrument packed for transporting CGO Watching a Battle Through a Super-Periscope
Text Appearing After Image:
Secreted in their headquarters m tlie wine cellar of a demolished chateau, the officers areable to watch the battle raging outside with the aid of an immense periscope supportedin its place by a wall of masonry. The roof of the cellar is covered with bomb-proof pads 661 Supplyiii.ii: the Market with Diieks From

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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.


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  • bookid:popularsciencemo89newyuoft
  • bookyear:1872
  • bookdecade:1870
  • bookcentury:1800
  • booksubject:Science
  • bookpublisher:New_York___D__Appleton
  • bookcontributor:Gerstein___University_of_Toronto
  • booksponsor:University_of_Toronto
  • bookleafnumber:674
  • bookcollection:toronto
  • BHL Collection
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30 июля 2014


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