List of common trees and shrubs of Sri Lanka

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Location of Sri Lanka

The common trees and shrubs of Sri Lanka are a part of the diverse plant wildlife of Sri Lanka.

The following list provides the 704 species of common trees and shrubs of flora of Sri Lanka under 95 families. The list is according to A Field Guide to the Common Trees and Shrubs of Sri Lanka, by Mark Ashton, Savitri Gunatilleke, Neela de Zoysa, M.D. Dassanayake, Nimal Gunatilleke and Siril Wijesundera.[1]

Native species are denoted as (N), Introduced species as (I)

Division: Pteridophyta[edit]

Family: Cyatheaceae - Scaly tree ferns[edit]

Division: Cycadophyta[edit]

Family: Cycadaceae - Queen Sago[edit]

Division: Pinophyta[edit]

Family: Araucariaceae - Araucarians[edit]

Family: Cupressaceae - Cypresses[edit]

Family: Pinaceae - Pines[edit]

Division: Anthophyta[edit]

Subdivision: Monocotyledons[edit]

Family: Asparagaceae[edit]

Family: Poaceae‡ - Grasses[edit]

Family: Musaceae - Bananas[edit]

Family: Strelitziaceae - Traveller's palm[edit]

Family: Arecaceae - Palm trees[edit]

Family: Pandanaceae - Screw palms[edit]

Division: Anthophyta[edit]

Subdivision: Magnoliids[edit]

Family: Acanthaceae - Acanthus[edit]

Family: Annonaceae - Custard apples[edit]

Family: Magnoliaceae - Magnolias[edit]

Family: Monimiaceae[edit]

Family: Myristicaceae - Nutmegs[edit]

Division: Anthophyta[edit]

Subdivision: Dicotyledons[edit]

Family: Anacardiaceae - Cashews[edit]

Family: Anisophylleaceae[edit]

Family: Apocynaceae - Dogbanes[edit]

Family: Aquifoliaceae - Hollys[edit]

Family: Araliaceae[edit]

Family: Aristolochiaceae - Birthworts[edit]

Family: Asteraceae - Composites[edit]

Family: Bignoniaceae - Bignonias[edit]

Family: Bixaceae - Achiotes[edit]

Family: Boraginaceae - Forget-me-nots[edit]

Family: Boraginaceae[edit]

Family: Buxaceae[edit]

Family: Calophyllaceae - Chestnuts[edit]

Family: Cannabaceae[edit]

Family: Capparaceae - Capers[edit]

Family: Caricaceae - Papayas[edit]

Family: Casuarinaceae - Sheoaks[edit]

Family: Celastraceae - Bittersweets[edit]

Family: Centroplacaceae[edit]

Family: Chloranthaceae[edit]

Family: Clusiaceae[edit]

Family: Combretaceae - White mangroves[edit]

Family: Connaraceae[edit]

Family: Cornaceae[edit]

Family: Crypteroniaceae[edit]

Family: Daphniphyllaceae[edit]

Family: Dichapetalaceae[edit]

Family: Dilleniaceae[edit]

Family: Dipterocarpaceae - Dipterocarps[edit]

Family: Ebenaceae - Ebonys[edit]

Family: Elaeocarpaceae[edit]

Family: Ericaceae - Heathers[edit]

Family: Erythroxylaceae[edit]

Family: Euphorbiaceae - Spurges[edit]

Family: Fabaceae - Legumes[edit]

Family: Gentianaceae[edit]

Family: Goodeniaceae[edit]

Family: Hernandiaceae[edit]

Family: Icacinaceae[edit]

Family: Lamiaceae - Sages[edit]

Family: Lauraceae - Laurels[edit]

Family: Lecythidaceae[edit]

Family: Loganiaceae[edit]

Family: Lythraceae[edit]

Family: Malvaceae - Mallows[edit]

Family: Melastomataceae[edit]

Family: Meliaceae - Mahoganys[edit]

Family: Moraceae - Figs[edit]

Family: Moringaceae - Drumsticks[edit]

Family: Muntingiaceae[edit]

Family: Myrtaceae - Myrtles[edit]

Family: Nyctaginaceae - Four o'clocks[edit]

Family: Ochnaceae[edit]

Family: Olacaceae[edit]

Family: Oleaceae - Olives[edit]

Family: Pentaphylacaceae[edit]

Family: Phyllanthaceae[edit]

Family: Pittosporaceae[edit]

Family: Primulaceae - Primroses[edit]

Family: Proteaceae[edit]

Family: Putranjivaceae[edit]

Family: Rhamnaceae - Buckthorns[edit]

Family: Rhizophoraceae - True mangroves[edit]

Family: Rosaceae - Roses & Berries[edit]

Family: Rutaceae - Citrus[edit]

Family: Sabiaceae[edit]

Family: Salicaceae - Willows[edit]

Family: Salvadoraceae - Toothbrushes[edit]

Family: Santalaceae - Sandalwoods[edit]

Family: Sapindaceae - Soapberries[edit]

Family: Sapotaceae[edit]

Family: Simaroubaceae[edit]

Family: Solanaceae - Nightshades[edit]

Family: Staphyleaceae[edit]

Family: Stemonuraceae[edit]

Family: Symplocaceae - Sweetleafs[edit]

Family: Tetramelaceae[edit]

Family: Theaceae - Tea plants[edit]

Family: Thymelaeaceae[edit]

Family: Ulmaceae[edit]

Family: Urticaceae - Nettles[edit]

Family: Verbenaceae- Verbenas[edit]

Recommended New Plant species[edit]

The presence of following bamboo plants within Sri Lanka is still in doubt.

Family Poaceae[edit]


  1. ^ Ashton, M; Gunatilleke, S; de Zoysa, N.; Dassanayake, M.D.; Gunatilleke, N.; Wijesundera, S. (1997). A Field Guide to the Common Trees and Shrubs of Sri Lanka (PDF). Colombo, Sri Lanka: WHT Publications for Wildlife Heritage Site of Sri Lanka.

External links[edit]