| |
AAAX | Ann Arbor Railroad (1895-1976) → Ann Arbor Railroad (1988) |
AACX | Alaska Division of Agriculture) |
AADX | Airco Alloys and Carbide |
AAEX | American Aniline and Extract Company |
AAIX | ACS International Inc |
AAKX | Amulco Asphalt Company |
AALX | Advanced Aromatics |
AAMX | Shippers' Car Line Division of ACF Industries; Arrendadora de Carros de Ferrocarril del Atlantico; Arrendadora de Carros de Ferrocarril |
AARX | Association of American Railroads |
AATX | Ampacet Corporation |
AAX | American Agricultural Chemical Company; Agrico Chemical Company |
ABBX | Abbott Labs |
ABCX | American Bitumuls Company; Merchants Despatch Transportation Corporation; Falcon Coal Company; Tennessee Valley Authority |
ABEX | Abbey Chemical Corporation; CPS Processing Corporation; CPS Chemical Company; Abbey Chemical Corporation; Advanced BioEnergy |
ABGX | American Black Granite Company |
ABIX | Anheuser-Busch |
ABLX | American Refrigerator Transit Company |
ABMX | Albers Brothers Milling Company |
ABOX | American Rail Box Car Company; Railbox Company; TTX Company |
ABPX | Ashland By-Product Coke Company; Animal By-Products Corporation |
ABRX | Merchants Despatch Transportation Corporation; AB Rail Investments, Inc.; Railmark Holdings, Inc. |
ABSX | American Beet Sugar Company; American Crystal Sugar Company; Albert Brothers Inc |
ABTX | Aubrey Bartlett; North American Car Corporation; General Electric Railcar Services Corp. |
ABWX | Asea Brown Boveri, Inc. |
ABX | Adirondack Bottled Gas Corporation; Home Gas Corporation of Great Barrington |
ACAX | Aluminum Company of America; Allied Chemical Canada; Allied Chemical Corporation; Honeywell International |
ACBX | Scandinavian Oil Company; American Cast Iron Pipe Company |
ACCX | Ansul Chemical Company; Consolidation Coal Company |
ACDX | Allied Chemical Corporation; First Union Properties; Allied Chemical Corporation; Allied Signal; Honeywell International |
ACEX | Atlantic City Electric Power Company; Atlantic Cement Company; Blue Circle Atlantic; Ace Cogeneration Company |
ACFX | ACF Industries; General Electric Rail Services Corporation; Wells Fargo Rail |
ACGX | Acme Gas Corporation; Suburban Propane, LP |
ACIX | Arkansas Chemicals, Inc.; Great Lakes Chemical Corporation |
ACJU | American Coastal Lines Joint Venture, Inc. |
ACLU | Atlantic Container Line, Ltd. |
ACLX | American Car Line Company |
ACMX | Allis-Chalmers Corporation; Voith Hydro |
ACNU | AKZO Chemie, B V |
ACOU | Associated Octel Company, Ltd. |
ACOX | Aurora Cooperative Elevator Company (grain shippers) |
ACPX | Amoco Canada Petroleum Company, Ltd.; Amoco Oil Company; Union Tank Car Lines |
ACPZ | American Concrete Products Company |
ACRX | American Chrome and Chemicals, Inc.; Elementis Chromium, LP |
ACSU | Atlantic Cargo Services, AB |
ACSX | First Union Properties, Inc.; Honeywell International |
ACSZ | American Carrier Equipment |
ACTU | Associated Container Transport (Australia), Ltd. |
ACTX | Allied Chemical Corporation; Honeywell International |
ACUU | Acugreen Limited |
ACWZ | Union Pacific Railroad |
ACXU | Atlantic Cargo Services, AB |
ACXX | Anderson Columbia Company, Inc. |
ACZX | A C Railroad Service Company, Norfolk Southern Railway Company |
ADCU | Flexi-Van Leasing, Inc. |
ADCX | Adolph Coors Company |
ADIX | Adirondack Railway Preservation Society (Adirondack Scenic Railroad) |
ADMX | Archer Daniels Midland |
ADRX | Addeleston Recycling Corporation |
ADSX | Andrew Merrilees, Ltd. |
AECX | Associated Electric Cooperative, Inc. |
AEIX | Alan Eslisk |
AEIZ | Farrell Lines, Inc. |
AEPU | American Lines, Inc. |
AEPX | American Electric Power Service Corporation |
AEQX | ATEL Equipment Corporation |
AESX | A. E. Staley Manufacturing; GE Railcar Services Corporation |
AEVX | AKZO Coatings, Inc. |
AEX | The Andersons |
AFCU | Afram Lines, Inc. |
AFCX | Atel Capital Equipment Fund |
AFCZ | Afram Lines, Inc. |
AFEX | Farmers Elevator Company of Arthur, ND |
AFIU | ABS Industrial Verification, Inc. |
AFIZ | Agmark Foods |
AFPX | Fibers and Plastics Company (Allied Corporation); Honeywell International |
AFRX | AF Railway Industries, Inc. |
AFSX | Astoria, LLC |
AFTX | American Freedom Train |
AGCX | Alberta Gas Chemicals, Inc.; PROCOR |
AGEX | A. G. Pipe Lines, Inc.; Nova Chemicals, Ltd. |
AGFX | Anchor Gas and Fuel Company, Inc. |
AGHX | Agrium US, Inc. |
AGIX | AGRI Financial Services, Inc.; AGRI Industries |
AGLX | Andrews Gas Liquids Service; Andrews Petroleum |
AGMX | Terra Nitrogen, LP |
AGPX | AG Processing, Inc. |
AGRX | Agrifos, LLC |
AGYX | American Gypsum Company; Centrex Construction Products, Inc. |
AHCX | Arcadian Corporation |
AHMX | Altos Homos de Mexico, SA de CV |
AHWZ | Fox Valley and Western |
AICX | Hoeganaes Corporation |
AIDU | Albermarle Corporation |
AIEU | Aviation Import Export, Inc. |
AIIZ | III Transportation |
AIMX | American Iron & Metal Company |
AINX | TTX Company (Acorn Division) |
AIPX | Atlas Iron Processors, Inc. |
AITU | Western Intermodal |
AJCU | Australia Japan Container Line |
AJPX | North American Chemical Company; IMC Chemicals |
AKFX | AKF Corporation |
AKLU | K Line |
AKMX | Helm Financial Corporation |
AKZX | Azko Nobel Chemicals, Inc. |
ALAX | Lyondell Petrochemical; Equistar Chemicals, LP |
ALBX | Albert City Elevator |
ALCX | Aluminum Company of Canada, Ltd.; Alcan Smelters and Chemicals, Ltd. |
ALEX | AGRI Financial Services, Inc.; AGRI Industries |
ALGX | Amsterdam Leasing |
ALKX | Airlake Terminal Railway Company |
ALLX | Alliance Machine Company |
ALLZ | Alliance Shippers |
ALMX | Trinity Rail Management, Inc. |
ALNX | Government of Alberta |
ALPX | Government of Alberta |
ALRX | A and R Leasing, LLP |
ALSX | Albis Canada, Inc. |
ALTU | VTG Vereinigte Tanklage U Transportmittel, GMBH |
ALTX | Southern Illinois Railcar, Inc. |
ALUX | Alumax of South Carolina, Inc. |
ALWX | GE Railcar Services Corporation |
AMAX | AMAX Coal Company |
AMBU | Amber Line, Inc. |
AMBX | Amherst Industries, Inc.; American Boiler Works, Inc. |
AMCX | Amoco Chemicals Corporation; Amoco Oil Company; BP Amoco Chemical Company (Chemical Division) |
AMCZ | Interbulk, Inc. |
AMEX | Albamex; Allied Enterprises |
AMFU | Amphibious Container Leasing, Ltd. |
AMGX | AMG Resources Corporation |
AMIU | American Marine Industries |
AMIX | Railcar Leasing Specialists, Inc. |
AMIZ | American Marine Industries |
AMLX | American Railcar Company |
AMMU | Hyundai |
AMMX | Amoco Minerals Company; Kentucky-Tennessee Clay Company |
AMNX | American Railcar Leasing Partners |
AMOX | Amoco Oil Company; BP Products North America, Inc. |
AMOZ | American Oil Company |
AMPX | GE Railcar Services Corporation |
AMRU | Alaska Marine Lines, Inc. |
AMRX | Consolidated Oil and Transportation Company, Inc. |
AMRZ | American Chassis Leasing, Inc. |
AMSX | AllTrans Management Services Corporation |
AMTZ | Amtrak |
AMWX | Amway Corporation |
AMXU | Americas Marine Express, Inc. |
ANAU | Alliance Navigation Line, Inc. |
ANAX | Excel Railcar Corporation; GE Rail Services Corporation |
ANBX | Anbel Corporation |
ANCX | Norit Americas, Inc. |
ANDX | Andesite Rock Company |
ANIX | Associacion National de la Industria Quimca, A.C. |
ANKX | A and K Railroad Materials, Inc. |
ANSX | Ansco Investment Company |
AOCU | Associated Octel |
AOCX | Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa) |
AOEX | American Orient Express Railway |
AOIX | Marathon Ashland Petroleum Company |
AOKX | Greenbrier Management Services, LLC |
AOUX | Alberta and Orient Glycol Company, Ltd. |
APAX | West Penn Power Company; Cementos Apasco, SA de CV |
APAXX | Cementos Apasco, SA de CV |
APCU | American President Lines, Ltd. |
APCX | Allied Products Company; Allied Lime Company |
APEX | Apex Tank Car Line |
APHX | Air Products Polymers, LP |
APIX | The Commonwealth Plan, Inc. |
APLU | American President Lines, Ltd. |
APLX | APL Land Transport Services, Inc. |
APLZ | American President Lines, Ltd. |
APMU | Maersk Lines |
APMX | Air Products Manufacturing Company |
APMZ | Maersk Equipment Service Company |
APOX | Alabama Power Company |
APRX | Air Products |
APSX | Arizona Public Service Company |
APTX | Air Products |
APWX | Appalachian Power Company |
APXX | Alberta Prairie Railway Excursions |
AQCX | Aqua-Chem, Inc. (Celaver Brooks Division) |
ARCX | Alaska Rail Car Company; Arizona Rail Car, Inc. |
ARDU | CATU Containers, SA |
AREX | Aeropres Corporation |
ARGX | Associated Railcar, Inc. |
ARHU | CATU Containers, SA |
ARHX | Arch Mineral Corporation |
ARIX | Arco Industrial Gases (a division of Arco, Inc.); GE Rail Services Corporation |
ARJX | Arch Chemicals |
ARL | Armour Refrigerator Line (expired) |
ARMH | Missouri Pacific Railroad; Texas-New Mexico Railway; Doniphan, Kensett and Searcy Railway; Missouri Pacific Railroad; Union Pacific Railroad |
ARMN | Missouri Pacific Railroad; Union Pacific Railroad |
ARMX | American Rail and Marine Corporation |
ARMZ | Armasal Line |
AROX | GATX Corporation |
ARPX | Arco Petroleum Products Company; BP Products North America, Inc. |
ARRX | Anaconda Minerals Company; Anthracite Railroads Historical Society, Inc. |
ARSX | Aristech Chemical Corporation; Sunoco, Inc. |
ARTU | CATU Containers, SA |
ARWX | Alabama River Woodlands, Inc. |
ASCX | Algoma Steel Corporation; Armco Steel Company, LP |
ASDX | Allied Services |
ASGX | American Steel Foundries, Inc. |
ASHU | Anchorage Sand and Gravel Company; Ash Grove Cement Company |
ASHC | Maritainer France, SA |
ASHX | General American Transportation Corporation; American Soda, LLP |
ASLX | Algoma Steamships, Ltd. |
ASMX | Ames And Sons Machine Works |
ASRX | Amstar Corporation; Domino Sugar Company |
ASRZ | Agri/Share Cooperative |
ASYX | Avondale Shipyards, Inc. |
ATAX | Arizona Transit Assembly; Alameda Corridor Transportation Authority |
ATCX | Austin and Texas Central Railroad; Southern Illinois Railcar, Inc. |
ATEX | Asplundh Tree Expert Company (Railroad Division) |
ATGU | Burlington Northern and Santa Fe Railway; BNSF Railway |
ATGX | ATEL Leasing Corporation |
ATIU | Societe Auxillaire De Transport Et D'Industries |
ATIX | Alstom Transportation, Inc. |
ATLU | American Marine Industries |
ATLX | Atlas Machine and Iron Works, Inc. |
ATLZ | American Marine Industries |
ATMX | United States Department of Energy (Albuquerque Operations Office) |
ATOU | Atochem |
ATTX | Trailer Train Company; TTX Corporation |
AUBX | US Plastic Lumber, Ltd. |
AVCX | AVCO Aerostructures Division |
AVLU | Allied Van Lines |
AWCX | Airco Welding Products |
AWDX | Atlantic of New York, Inc. |
AWIX | Albright and Wilson Americas, Inc. |
AWVX | 20th Century Fox |
AWXX | East Carbon Development Company |
AWZZ | McCloud Railway Company |
AXCU | Ace Transportation Company |
AXXZ | Agricultural Express of America |
AZCX | Azcon Corporation |
AZEX | Arizona Electric Power Cooperative, Inc. |
AZMX | Arizona Railway Museum |
AZXX | Arizona Chemical Company |