

Genre Animation
Création Bill Kopp
Chris Otsuki
Production Bill Kopp
Rich Arons
Steven Spielberg
Jeff DeGrandis
Musique Julie Bernstein
Steven Bernstein
Paul Rugg
Pays d'origine Drapeau des États-Unis États-Unis
Chaîne d'origine Fox Kids
Nb. de saisons 2
Nb. d'épisodes 21
Durée 30 minutes
Diff. originale

Toonsylvania est une série télévisée d'animation américaine en vingt-un épisodes, diffusée entre le et le sur Fox Kids.

Synopsis[modifier | modifier le code]

Fiche technique[modifier | modifier le code]

Icône signalant une information Sauf indication contraire ou complémentaire, les informations mentionnées dans cette section peuvent être confirmées par la base de données IMDb.

Distribution[modifier | modifier le code]

Acteurs principaux[modifier | modifier le code]

Acteurs secondaires et invités[modifier | modifier le code]

Épisodes[modifier | modifier le code]

Saison 1[modifier | modifier le code]

  1. Darla Doiley - Demon Doll / The Importance of Being Urnie / Igor's Science Minute: Clone or Be Cloned / Melissa Screetch's Morbid Morals: The Boogeyman'll Get You, Melissa
  2. Blind Date of Frankenstein / Football… and Other Body Parts / Igor's Science Minute: Helium and Hot Air Balloons / Melissa Screetch's Morbid Morals: Stop Making Ugly Faces
  3. Love Potion Number Nein / Attack of the Iguana People / Igor's Science Minute: The Big Bang / Melissa Screetch's Morbid Morals: Teeth for Two
  4. Baby Human / Earth vs. Everything / Igor's Science Minute: Blunder and Lightning / Melissa Screetch's Morbid Morals: Little Screetchin' Riding Hood
  5. Built for Speed / Captain Beaumarchais' Fish Flakes / A Kiss Before Dying / Igor's Science Minute: Gravity / Melissa Screetch's Morbid Morals: Go Stand in the Corner, Young Lady
  6. Spawn of Santa / Dead Hard / Igor's Science Minute: Periodic Table of Elements / Melissa Screetch's Morbid Morals: Don't Swallow the Seeds, Silly
  7. Doom With a View / Dead Dog Day Afternoon / Igor's Science Minute: Evolution and the Attorney / Melissa Screetch's Morbid Morals: Here There Be Monsters
  8. Love Hurts / One for Mail and Mall for One / Igor's Science Minute: The Brain / Melissa Screetch's Morbid Morals: Plain as the Nose on Your Face
  9. Phil Feel Smart / Voodoo Vacation / Igor's Science Minute: The Universe / Melissa Screetch's Morbid Morals: Melissa, Don't Spoil Your Appetite
  10. WereGranny / The Lobster of Party Beach / Igor's Science Minute: Luck Is Not a Factor / Melissa Screetch's Morbid Morals: The Screetchy Little Mermaid
  11. A Family Pilot / A Zombie is Born / Igor's Science Minute: Earthquake Boogie / Melissa Screetch's Morbid Morals: Melissa and the Three Bears
  12. Phil's Brain / Jurassic Putt / Igor's Science Minute: Bites and Stings / Melissa Screetch's Morbid Morals: You Keep Bouncing Like That, You're Gonna Hurt Yourself
  13. The Inferior Decorator / Bang! / Igor's Science Minute: Parasites / Melissa Screetch's Morbid Morals: Melissa Screetch, Earth Ambassador

Saison 2[modifier | modifier le code]

  1. Something Weenie This Way Comes / Ideadical Cousins / Melisserella
  2. Igor's Replacement / The Deadman Bunch
  3. My Fair Monster / The Nosey Face / Shelf Of Brains
  4. The Doomed Odyssey / Attack of the Fifty Footed Woman / Becki with an I
  5. The Longest Day / Take Us to Your Liter / Escape from Wet Nurse Island
  6. For Your Info-Mation / In Or Out / Melissa Makes a Wish / Madame Olga's Lament
  7. Some Weird in Time / Vittles With Vic / Parents Opposed to Television Inappropriateness / Tonnsylvania Presents: Phil and Igor in "Don't Axe, Don't Tell" / News from Around the World / A Man of No Importance / Swamp Thingy
  8. Cyranot / Igor III / Running of the Bullies / Troop 664

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