The Monty Python Matching Tie and Handkerchief

The Monty Python Matching Tie and Handkerchief
album in studio
ArtistaMonty Python
GenereMusica demenziale
EtichettaCharisma Records
Monty Python - cronologia

The Monty Python Matching Tia and Handkerchief è il quarto album studio dei Monty Python inciso nel 1973.

  1. Church Police - 3:06
  2. Elephantoplasty - 1:56
  3. Novel Writing - 2:33
  4. World Association - 1:16
  5. Bruces/La canzone dei filosofi - 3:02
  6. The Adventures of Ralph Mellish - 4:02
  7. Cheese Shop Sketch - 4:05
  8. Wasp Club/Tiger Talk - 1:30
  9. Great Actors - 2:22

Lato B (Parte 1)

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  1. The Background to History - 3:51
  2. First World War Sound - 4:00
  3. Boxing Tonight (Fight Of The Century) - 0:55

Lato B (Parte 2)

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  1. Minister for Overseas Development (aka Mrs. Niggerbaiter Explodes) - 1:03
  2. Oscar Wilde and Friends - 3:19
  3. Buying a Cat - 1:22
  4. Phone-In - 2:34

Collegamenti esterni

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