
クリス・デンク(Chris Dench、Google翻訳による発声ではクリス・デンチ1953年 - )は、イギリス現代音楽作曲家オーストラリア在住。



1953年生まれ。原則的に独学だが、ダルムシュタット講習会に参加し頭角を現す。一時期は奨学金でベルリントスカナに住んだが、現在はオーストラリアに移住し、市民権を獲得した。作品はかつてUMPから出版されていたが、近作は公式ウェブサイトとオーストラリア音楽情報センターから で入手できる。

ブライアン・ファーニホウの影響を強く受け、創作活動を開始する。「フルートソロのためのsulle scale della Fenice」は八分の一音を用いた音列のダイアグラムをフルートソロ一本で渡り歩く難曲である。該当作はperspective of new music[1]で音源つきで紹介された。その後もピアノ作品やクラリネット作品で、譜面の難解な作品を次々と発表し、「弦楽四重奏曲」はクラーニヒシュタイナー音楽賞を受賞した。

しかし、作風は徐々に軟化し、「バスクラリネットコントラバスクラリネットのためのsum over histories (2006)」などは、聴覚的にも平易な作品となっている。tzadikからリリースされた近作集は多様な編成が収められてはいるものの、作品は超絶技巧を要求する類のものではない。近年は「ピアノソナタ」などの大作あるいは連作が目立つ。




  • caught breath of time (flute doubling altoflute) (10′) (1982)
  • vier darmstädter aphorismen
    • Venezia (flute) (2′) (1986)
    • piccolo fragment from Dark Neumes (piccolo) (2′) (1987)
    • A.R.T.A.U.D. (bassflute) (3′) (1988)
    • gelb : violett (altoflute) (7′) (1989)
  • dé/ployé (piccolo) (8′) (1987)
  • sulle scale della Fenice (flute) (10′) (1986–89)
  • closing lemma (flute) (10′) (1987–91)
  • geminy (open-hole altoflute) (18′) (2017)
  • geminy A & B (open-hole altoflute) (8′ + 8′) (2017)
  • time (solo bass or basset clarinet) (6′) (1979)
  • ruins within (clarinet in A) (10′) (1992–94)
  • the sadness of detail [two versions, one folded, one unfolded] (clarinet) (10′) (2002)
  • burns (alto saxophone) (6′) (1989)
  • 'e/meth (oboe or soprano saxophone) (10′) (1995)
  • shards (solo recorder: playing bass, tenor, alto, soprano, sopranino, garklein) (10′) (2011–12) excerpted from seven types of time machine


  • topologies (12′) (1978)
  • tilt (8′) (1985)
  • passing bells: night (12′) (2004)
  • Piano Sonata (100′) (2015–16)
  • Phase Portraits
    • Book One
    • zero-knowledge protocols (2′) (1973)
    • helical (3′) (1975)
    • tenebroso (6′) (1978/2003)
    • dancing qualia (10′) (1978/ )
    • tiento de medio registro alto (3′) (1978/2003)
    • small box of time (8′) (2013/ )
    • Pas Seul I: reading Takahashi (3.5′) (1979/93)
    • Pas Seul II: vectorial (3.5′)
    • Appendix to Book One
    • Pas Seul III: rushes (piano duet) (6′) (1979/96)
    • Book Two - [microsonata]
    • into the wormworks (6′) (1984/95)
    • esperance (4′) (1986)
    • E-330 plays (6′) (1991/2003)
    • Appendix to Book Two
    • mem(e) (5 mins) (bassflute and piano) [currently under revision] (1994)
    • Book Three - the heretical bagatelles
    • the heretical bagatelles
    • BD & double (4′) (2009)
    • AG (3′) (2008/12)
    • KS (2′) (2008/12)
    • AB 1 (1′) (2014)
    • Book Four
    • the heart's algorithms (13′) (1993/99–2002)
    • ik(s)land[s] fragment (2′) (1997/98)
    • (the) Barry Jones Dances (5′) (2013)


  • compostela/finisterre (large organ) (20′) (2005/06 extended 2009)


  • small box of time (marimba) (8′) (2013)


  • severance (8′) (1988–94)
  • asymptotic freedom (17′) (1997–99) [Red House edition]
  • fundamental processes (10-string guitar) (17′) [edited by Stuart Fisher] (2008–16)


  • strangeness (string quartet) (25′) [currently withdrawn for revision] (1985)
  • recueillement (flute, oboe, clarinet, trombone, percussion, violin, viola, cello, bass) (12′) [currently withdrawn for revision] (1986)
  • funk (bass clarinet and untuned percussion) (10′) (1988–89)
  • 'atsiluth/shîn (flute, bass clarinet, and piano) (12′) [currently withdrawn for revision] (1991)
  • heterotic strings (flute, cor anglais, bass clarinet, violin, and contrabass, all amplified and uncoordinated) (8′) [currently withdrawn for revision] (1993)
  • from n(ich)t (mezzo-soprano, recorder, guitar) (6′) (1999)
  • fauxbourdon/tenebroso (cello and piano) [currently withdrawn for revision] (8′) (2004)
  • Permutation City (percussion duo: playing two marimbas, vibraphone, and two octaves of crotales) (16′) (2005–08)
  • Blood music (clarinet, seven-string electric guitar, and quarter-tone vibraphone) (13′) (2005)
  • e(i)ther (violin and piano) (13′) (2005)
  • an Hypallage (mezzo-soprano, baritone, harp (or piano)) [text: Lawrence Sterne] (3′) (2008)
  • New work (E flat clarinet & soprano saxophone) (6′) [in preparation] (2015)


  • symphony for brass (brass ensemble and percussion) (20′) [currently withdrawn for revision] (1982/ )
  • recueillement (baritone voice, flute, oboe, clarinet, trombone, percussion, violin, viola, cello, bass) [text: Baudelaire] (12′) [currently withdrawn for revision] (1986/ )
  • driftglass (solo percussion and five amplified instruments) (10′) (1990)
  • planetary allegiances (solo flute and ensemble) (15′) [currently withdrawn for revision] (1992/ )
  • beyond status geometry (percussion quartet) (20′) (1995)
  • ik(s)land[s] (mezzo-soprano and flute, clarinet, guitar, percussion, violin, cello) [text: berni m janssen] (20′) (1997–98)
  • eigenmomenta (flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, cello) (10′) (2000–01)
  • light-strung sigils (recorder and flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, cello) (15′) (2001–02)
  • the blinding access of the grace of the flesh (mezzo-soprano and flute, clarinet, guitar, percussion, violin, cello) [text: berni m janssen] (11′) (2003)
  • Agnî (from Agnî-Prometheus-Lucifer) (sixteen instruments) (10′) (2006– )
  • flux (flute, clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, cello) (16′) (2016)
  • in Platonia (solo guitar (amplified) and flute, oboe, clarinet, trombone, percussion, celesta/melodica/anvil, violin, viola, cello, bass) (25′) (2011–12)
  • crystallisation (baritone and bass voices, and flute/alto/piccolo, oboe/melodica, B flat clarinet/E flat clarinet/bass clarinet, piano, percussion, violin, cello) [text: Arthur Haswell] (10′) (2011)


  • seven types of time machine (soprano, solo recorder, flute, clarinet, two percussion, violin, cello) [text: Arthur Haswell] [incomplete] (50-60′) (2012– )
  • diurnal (soprano and drone) [text: Arthur Haswell] (8′) (2014) excerpted from seven types of time machine
  • We, a chamber opera (soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, baritone, bass voices, and six percussionists) [libretto: Dustine Barnes, after Zamyatin] [in preparation] (80–120′) (2010- )


  • Symphony 1 (orchestra) (18′) [currently under re-orchestration] (1977–80)
  • Symphony 2: énoncé (sixteen instruments) (18′) [currently under revision] (1983–84)
  • Symphony 3: afterimages (chamber orchestra) (20′) [currently under revision] (1987)
  • Symphony 4: propriocepts (four voices and large orchestra) (21′) (1994–97)





  1. ^ Some Thoughts on the New Complexity”. www.jstor.org. Perspectives of New Music. 2020年2月2日閲覧。

