解説Taylor Swift The Eras Tour The Folklore Set Era (53109909510).jpg | These photos are FREE to download, use, print, remix, adapt and use in any way under a Creative Commons license. If you use them, please credit me with my full name Paolo Villanueva and or IG handle @itspaolopv depending on where you post it. Don't forget to follow me on IG, X and YouTube! X, Instagram: @itspaolopv YouTube: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/@PaoloPV/" rel="noreferrer nofollow">www.youtube.com/@PaoloPV/</a> If you appreciate the photos and wish to support, consider donating at <a href="http://www.paypal.com/paypalme/paolopv" rel="noreferrer nofollow">www.paypal.com/paypalme/paolopv</a>. Interested in capturing moments for your band, wedding, sweet 16, another Taylor Swift event, or a unique editorial photoshoot? I'd be thrilled to help. Reach out to me for photography services or access to my portfolio at paolovillanueva@me.com. Find where where I am in the world on my IG and send a DM! |