Ferrovia del Nord (Portogallo)

Linea del Nord
Nome originale(PT) Linha do Norte
Stati attraversatiBandiera del Portogallo Portogallo
Attivazione1856 (prima sezione fino Carregado)
GestoreComboios de Portugal
Precedenti gestoriCompanhia dos Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses
Lunghezza336 km
Scartamentoiberico 1668 mm
Elettrificazione25 kV ~ 50 Hz

La ferrovia del Nord (in portoghese Linha do Norte, letteralmente "Linea del Nord") è la ferrovia principale del Portogallo. Essa collega le città di Lisbona e Porto con un percorso di 336 km. Collega anche le città di Santarém, Entroncamento, Coimbra e Aveiro. Dalla linea si diramano le due linee: della Beira Bassa e della Beira Alta, transito internazionale per Spagna e Francia.

Il ponte Maria Pia, costruito nel 1877 dall'ingegnere Gustave Eiffel

Dalla metà del XIX secolo in Portogallo furono intraprese iniziative per collegarsi con la rete ferroviaria alla Spagna; una società britannica si offerse di costruire una ferrovia con origine a Lisbona. Il 30 ottobre 1856 venne aperta la prima tratta ferroviaria da stazione di Lisbona Santa Apolónia a Carregado e, a differenza della Spagna, venne realizzata a scartamento normale; venne attivato l'esercizio con trazione a vapore. In seguito, con la connessione alla rete ferroviaria spagnola, venne effettuato il cambio di scartamento. Nel 1857, languendo i lavori di costruzione, lo Stato portoghese acquisì la proprietà di fatto della linea attraverso l'acquisto di azioni. Nel 1860 il finanziere spagnolo José de Salamanca y Mayol fu incaricato del proseguimento della costruzione e a tale scopo fondò la Companhia Reale dos Caminhos de Ferro Portugueses. Il 7 novembre 1862 la linea raggiunse Santarém. Un anno più tardi raggiunse Constância.

Per completare la linha do Norte il 9 novembre 1862 venne realizzato il cosiddetto itinerario di Vila Nova de Gaia. Il 7 luglio 1864 venne chiuso il collegamento tra Estarreja e Constância, permettendo di viaggiare in treno da Lisbona fin quasi a Porto. Mancava ancora il ponte Maria Pia, realizzato il 4 novembre 1877.

Nel 1882 iniziò la circolazione tra Lisbona e Madrid di treni passeggeri rapidi e, dal 1887, ebbe inizio il servizio Sud Express che collegava Lisbona e Calais, in Francia.

Il primo raddoppio di tracciato fu attivato l'8 aprile del 1893 tra Lisbona ed Entroncamento.

La sezione Lisbona-Entroncamento, venne elettrificata nel 1958 a corrente alternata monofase a 25 kV, 50 Hz; in seguito fu elettrificata la linea intera.

Nel 1992 entrò in servizio il ponte di São João che sostituiva quello storico di Gustave Eiffel e, nel 1998, la stazione di Lisbona Oriente[1].


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Stazioni e fermate
Continuation backward
Ferrovia del Minho Valença
Unknown route-map component "tCONTg" Unknown route-map component "utCONTg" Straight track
Ferrovia del Minho Porto S. B.
Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "utXBHF-L" Unknown route-map component "XBHF-R"
336,079 Porto Campanhã
Unknown route-map component "tSTR" Unknown route-map component "utCONTf" Unknown route-map component "eKRWgl" Unknown route-map component "exKRW+r"
Metropolitana di Porto: linea A, B, C, E, F (Campanhã)
Unknown route-map component "tSTRl"
Unknown route-map component "eABZq+l" + Unknown route-map component "PORTALr"
Unknown route-map component "TUNNEL1q"
Unknown route-map component "exABZql" + Unknown route-map component "eKRZr"
Unknown route-map component "exKRZ" Unknown route-map component "exSTR+r"
Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL1" Unknown route-map component "hSTRa" Unknown route-map component "exLSTR" Unknown route-map component "exSTR"
Viadotto di Campanhã (232 m); Túnel do Seminário
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq"
Unknown route-map component "extSTRaq" + Unknown route-map component "exhSTRa@g"
Unknown route-map component "extSTReq" Unknown route-map component "ehKRZ" Unknown route-map component "exSTRr" Unknown route-map component "exSTR"
334,850 Ferrovia di Alfândega → Porto Alfândega
Unknown route-map component "exhKRZWe" Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZW" Transverse water Unknown route-map component "exhKRZWae"
334,350 Ponte Maria Pia/Ponte di São João (500 m) × Duero
Unknown route-map component "exSTRl" Unknown route-map component "exSTRq" Unknown route-map component "ehABZg+r" Unknown route-map component "exSTR"
Viadotto General Torres (407 m); (tracc. abb.)
Unknown route-map component "uXBHF-L"
Unknown route-map component "XPLTeq" + Stop on track
Unknown route-map component "exSTR"
333,342 General Torres Metropolitana di Porto: linea D
Unknown route-map component "uCONTf" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "exTUNNEL2q" Unknown route-map component "exSTRr"
(prog. orig. 1866, abb.)
Unknown route-map component "ENDEaq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
Non-passenger station/depot on track
Station on track
332,239 Vila Nova de Gaia
Stop on track
330,943 Coimbrões
Stop on track
329,319 Madalena
Unknown route-map component "eABZgl" Unknown route-map component "exKDSTeq"
Fabbrica di ceramica di Valadares
Station on track
327,800 Valadares
Stop on track
325,365 Francelos
Stop on track
323,815 Miramar
Stop on track
321,808 Aguda
Station on track
320,394 Granja
Unknown route-map component "eSHI3gl" Unknown route-map component "exvSHI3+r-"
(tracc. ant.)
Unknown route-map component "tSTRa" Unknown route-map component "exvBHF-KBHFa"
Espinho (ant. staz)
Unknown route-map component "tBHF" Unknown route-map component "exvSTR"
316,792 Espinho
Unknown route-map component "tSTRe" + Unknown route-map component "exSTRc2"
Unknown route-map component "exv-STR" + Unknown route-map component "exvSTR3-"
(galleria / tracc. ant.)
Unknown route-map component "c" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+1"
Unknown route-map component "c" + Unknown route-map component "exSTRc4"
Unknown route-map component "KBHFxa"
Unknown route-map component "c" Straight track Unknown route-map component "c" One way leftward
Ferrovia del VougaSernada do Vouga
Stop on track
314,992 Silvade
Stop on track
313,313 Paramos
Station on track
311,900 Esmoriz
Stop on track
309,376 Cortegaça
Stop on track
307,544 Carvalheira-Maceda
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZgr"
Raccordo base aerea di Maceda (dism.)
Station on track
300,776 Ovar
Stop on track
296,973 Válega
Stop on track
293,759 Avanca
Unknown route-map component "SPLa"
Unknown route-map component "vDST-STR"
Esterreja Amoníaco
Unknown route-map component "SPLe"
Station on track
287,421 Estarreja
Stop on track
284,815 Salreu
Stop on track
283,383 Canelas
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
Ponte del Vouga (254 m) × fiume Vouga
Unknown route-map component "SPLa"
Unknown route-map component "vSTR-DST"
Portucel Cacia
Unknown route-map component "BHFSPLe"
278,718 Cacia
Unknown route-map component "SPLa"
Unknown route-map component "vSTR-DST"
Plataforma de Cacia
Unknown route-map component "SPLe"
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZgr"
Raccordo del porto di Aveiro → porto di Aveiro
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
ponte di Esgueira (248 m) × fiume Aveiro
Straight track Unknown route-map component "STR+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Ferrovia di Aveiro Sernada do Vouga
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eKRZu" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+r"
Raccordo Aveiro-Mar → Canale del Cojo
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+r" Straight track
Raccordo del canale di São Roque
Unknown route-map component "XBHF-L" Unknown route-map component "KXBHFe-R"
272,676 Aveiro
Stop on track
266,008 Quintãs
Station on track
258,046 Oiã
Station on track
252,240 Oliveira do Bairro
Stop on track
248,482 Paraimo-Sangalhos
Station on track
244,643 Mogofores
Stop on track
241,652 Curia
Stop on track
240,653 Aguim
Station on track
237,600 Mealhada-Norte
Stop on track
236,086 Mealhada
Unknown route-map component "exCONTg" Straight track
Ferrovia di Figueira da Foz Figueira da Foz
Unknown route-map component "exSHI3l"
Unknown route-map component "exvSHI3+r-" + Unknown route-map component "vSHI1+l-STR+l"
Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Ferrovia della Beira Alta Vilar Formoso
Unknown route-map component "BHFSPLe"
231,303 Pampilhosa
Unknown route-map component "vSHI1+l-STR+l" Unknown route-map component "KDSTeq"
220,403 Cimpor
Unknown route-map component "BHFSPLe"
224,971 Souselas
Stop on track
222,097 Vilela-Fornos
Stop on track
220,490 Adémia
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "KDSTeq"
220,403 Cerealis
Station on track
217,294 Coimbra B
Unknown route-map component "ABZg2" Unknown route-map component "STRc3"
217,024 Ferrovia di Coimbra
Unknown route-map component "LSTR" + Unknown route-map component "STRc1"
Unknown route-map component "KBHF2+4xe" Unknown route-map component "exSTRc3"
Unknown route-map component "LSTR" Unknown route-map component "exSTRc1" Unknown route-map component "exCONT4"
Ferrovia di Lousã Lousã (dism.)
Transverse water Unknown route-map component "hKRZWae" Transverse water
Ponte del Mondego Nuevo (187 m) × fiume Mondego
Stop on track
215,201 Bencanta
Stop on track
213,800 Espadaneira
Stop on track
212,562 Casais
Station on track
211,159 Taveiro
Stop on track
208,544 Vila Pouca do Campo
Stop on track
206,916 Amial
Stop on track
203,318 Pereira
Stop on track
201,211 Formoselha
Unknown route-map component "BHFSPLa"
198,339 Alfarelos
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "vSTRr-SHI1r"
Ferrovia di Alfarelos → Biforcazione di Lares
Stop on track
191,365 Vila Nova de Anços
Unknown route-map component "vSHI1+l-STR+l" Unknown route-map component "KDSTeq"
Quimigal Soure
Unknown route-map component "BHFSPLe"
185,347 Soure
Stop on track
180,137 Simões
Stop on track
175,316 Pelargia
Station on track
169,604 Pombal
Non-passenger station/depot on track
167,739 Pombal-Resguardo
Station on track
161,232 Vermoil
Stop on track
155,616 Litém
Station on track
149,293 Albergaria dos Doze
Enter and exit tunnel
Galleria di Albergaria (661 m)
Station on track
139,011 Caxarias
Stop on track
132,514 Seiça-Ourém
Enter and exit tunnel
Galleria di Chão de Maçãs (650 m)
Station on track
129,563 Chão de Maçãs-Fátima
Stop on track
125,240 Fungalvaz
Non-passenger station/depot on track
122,900 Fungalvaz-Resguardo
Stop on track
120,678 Paialvo
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
114,736 Ferrovia di Tomar Tomar
Station on track
114,413 Lamarosa
Unknown route-map component "vSHI1+l-STR+l" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
106,858 Ferrovia della Beira Bassa Guarda
Unknown route-map component "KDSTaq"
Unknown route-map component "ABZ+lr" + Unknown route-map component "SPLe"
Unknown route-map component "KDSTeq"
EMEF; Fernave; TVT
Scenic interest Station on track
106,302 Entroncamento (Museo Nacional Ferroviario)
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "KDSTeq"
104,560 MSC Terminal Entroncamento
Unknown route-map component "exCONTg" Straight track
Ferrovia di Torres Novas a Alcanena (dism.)
Unknown route-map component "exKXBHFe-L" Unknown route-map component "XBHF-R"
102,095 Riachos-Torres Novas-Golegã
Station on track
93,654 Mato de Miranda
Unknown route-map component "vSHI1+l-STR+l" Unknown route-map component "KDSTeq"
EPAC - Vale de Figueira
Unknown route-map component "HSTSPLe"
83,826 Vale de Figueira
Station on track Scenic interest
74,400 Santarém (Museo Ferroviario di Santarém)
Unknown route-map component "exCONTgq" Unknown route-map component "eABZg+r"
Ferrovia del Rio Maior → Río Maior
Stop on track
66,291 Vale de Santarém
Non-passenger station/depot on track
63,186 Santana-Cartaxo Resguardo
Stop on track + Unknown route-map component "lhSTRa@f"
60,300 Santana-Cartaxo
Unknown route-map component "hkABZg2" Unknown route-map component "hkSTR-c3"
57,775 Connessione di Setil Nord Ferrovia di Vendas Novas
Unknown route-map component "hSTR+hk12" Unknown route-map component "hkABZl+34" Unknown route-map component "hCONTfq"
Ferrovia di Vendas Novas Vendas Novas
Unknown route-map component "hkABZg+1" Unknown route-map component "hkSTR-c4"
Station on track + Unknown route-map component "lhSTRe@g"
56,400 Setil
Stop on track
54,292 Reguengo-Vale Pedra-Pontével
Stop on track
59,934 Virtudes
Unknown route-map component "vSHI1+l-ENDEa"
Unknown route-map component "vBHF"
46,945 Azambuja
Unknown route-map component "SPLe"
Stop on track
40,553 Vila Nova da Rainha
Station on track
38,237 Carregado-Norte
Stop on track
36,456 Carregado-Alenquer
Non-passenger station/depot on track
34,736 Castanheira do Ribatejo
Station on track
34,234 Castanheira do Ribatejo
Stop on track
30,164 Vila Franca de Xira
Unknown route-map component "eHST"
Quintas das Torres
Unknown route-map component "vSHI1+l-ENDEa"
Unknown route-map component "BHFSPLe"
26,014 Alhandra
Unknown route-map component "ABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "KDSTeq"
Unknown route-map component "BHFSPLa"
21,810 Alverca
Unknown route-map component "KDSTaq" Unknown route-map component "vABZg+r-STR"
Unknown route-map component "KDSTaq" Unknown route-map component "vABZgr-STR"
Unknown route-map component "vÜSTu+r"
Unknown route-map component "vHST"
17,470 Póvoa
Unknown route-map component "KDSTaq" Unknown route-map component "vABZg+r-STR"
16,928 Sodapóvoa
Unknown route-map component "vHST"
14,904 Santa Iria
Unknown route-map component "vSTR" + Unknown route-map component "v-SHI4l"
Unknown route-map component "v-SHI4+r"
Unknown route-map component "vSTR-SHI2gl"
Unknown route-map component "vSHI2+r-" + Unknown route-map component "v-LSTR"
Unknown route-map component "dSTR" Unknown route-map component "vÜWBl" Unknown route-map component "dLSTR"
Unknown route-map component "vWBRÜCKE1" Unknown route-map component "DSTSPLe"
Interconnessione di Bobadela
Unknown route-map component "vHST" Unknown route-map component "LSTR"
11,013 Bobadela
Unknown route-map component "vSTR-SHI3g+l" Unknown route-map component "SHI3r"
Unknown route-map component "vÜSTr"
Unknown route-map component "vHST"
9,625 Sacavém
Unknown route-map component "vSTR" Unknown route-map component "exKDSTa"
Stabilimenti di Sacavém
Unknown route-map component "exv-SHI2l" + Unknown route-map component "vSTR"
Unknown route-map component "exvSHI2+r-" + Unknown route-map component "exSHI1r"
Ferrovia della Matinha
Unknown route-map component "vSTR" Unknown route-map component "exvCONTf-"
Porto di Lisbona
Unknown route-map component "vHST"
7,644 Moscavide
Unknown route-map component "vÜST"
Unknown route-map component "utCONTg" Unknown route-map component "evHST"
6,8 Olivais
Unknown route-map component "utXBHF-L" Unknown route-map component "vXBHF-R"
6,480 Oriente
Unknown route-map component "utCONTf" Unknown route-map component "vSTR"
Metropolitano de Lisboa: linea Roja (Oriente)
Unknown route-map component "vÜSTr"
Unknown route-map component "evHST"
5,3 Cabo Ruivo
Unknown route-map component "vBHF"
3,992 Braço de Prata
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "vSTRr-SHI1r"
Linea di cintura Lisbona Alcântara Mar
Unknown route-map component "CONTgq" Unknown route-map component "ABZg+r"
1,643 Connessione di Xabregas (linea di cintura)
Unknown route-map component "eABZg+l" Unknown route-map component "exCONTfq"
Ferrovia della Matinha → Porto di Lisbona
Non-passenger station/depot on track
Unknown route-map component "ABZgl" Unknown route-map component "CONTfq"
Ferrovia della Matinha → Porto
Unknown route-map component "eABZg2" Unknown route-map component "exSTRc3"
Unknown route-map component "KXBHFe-L" + Unknown route-map component "exSTRc12"
Unknown route-map component "exSTR3+4" + Unknown route-map component "utKXBHFa-R"
0,000 Lisbona Santa Apolónia
Unknown route-map component "utCONTgq"
Unknown route-map component "utSTRq" + Unknown route-map component "exSTR+1"
Unknown route-map component "utSTRr" + Unknown route-map component "exSTRc4"
Metropolitana di Lisbona: linea Azul (Santa Apolónia)
Unknown route-map component "d"