Musikproduktion Dabringhaus Und Grimm

Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm
StatoBandiera della Germania Germania
Fondata daWerner Dabringhaus e Reimund Grimm
Sede principaleDetmold

MD&G o Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm è un'etichetta discografica tedesca con sede a Detmold ed amministrata dagli ingegneri del suono e produttori discografici Werner Dabringhaus e Reimund Grimm.[1][2][3] Soprattutto è nota per le sue prime registrazioni di molte opere tedesche sconosciute, come le sonate e altre opere da camera di Paul Hindemith.[4]

  1. ^ (EN) Fanfare: Volume 18, Issues 5-6 Joel Flegler - 1995 "And what is the distribution of labor between Herrn Dabringhaus and Grimm? At this point, Werner Dabringhaus explains that his colleague's English isn't as good as his, which is why he has been doing all the talking. Oh, I'm sorry, ..."
  2. ^ (EN) Encyclopedia of recorded sound: Volume 2; Volume 2 Howard Ferstler, Frank W. Hoffmann - 2005 "MD&G (LABEL) Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm was founded 1978 by Werner Dabringhaus and Reimund Grimm. Specializing in recordings of the very highest quality, including DVD-A releases utilizing proprietary ...
  3. ^ Classic record collector: Issues 40-47; Issues 40-47 2005 "For me it was a pleasure to meet such men as Werner Dabringhaus of Dabringhaus und Grimm and Aurelius Donath of Marc Aurel Edition, two Germans who have in common that they practise the craft of recording like an art."
  4. ^ (EN) Hindemith forum - Numéros 1 à 6 - Page 26 Hindemith-Stiftung - 2000 "The CD label Musikproduktion Dabringhaus und Grimm has earned wide recognition for its complete, internationally award-winning recording of the sonatas and other chamber works of Paul Hindemith.."

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Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN137325334 · ISNI (EN0000 0001 0789 9758 · LCCN (ENn97060465 · BNF (FRcb13889212b (data) · WorldCat Identities (ENlccn-n97060465
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