프랭클린 D. 루스벨트의 참고 문헌

이 문서는 제32대 미국의 대통령 프랭클린 D. 루스벨트의 선별된 학술 자료를 나열한다.

일반 자료[편집]

전기 자료[편집]

학술적 주제 연구[편집]

외교 정책과 제2차 세계 대전에 관한 자료[편집]



  • Braden, Waldo W; Brandenburg, Earnest, 편집. (1955), “Roosevelt's Fireside Chats”, 《Communication Monographs》 22 (5): 290–302, doi:10.1080/03637755509375155 .
  • Buhite, Russell D; Levy, David W, 편집. (1993), 《FDR's Fireside Chats》 .
  • Craig, Douglas B (2005), 《Fireside Politics: Radio and Political Culture in the United States, 1920–1940》 .
  • Crowell, Laura (1952), “Building the 'Four Freedoms' Speech”, 《Communication Monographs》 22 (5): 266–83, doi:10.1080/03637755509375153 .
  • ——— (1950), “Franklin D. Roosevelt's Audience Persuasion in the 1936 Campaign”, 《Communication Monographs》 17: 48–64, doi:10.1080/03637755009374997 .
  • Houck, Davis W (2002), 《FDR and Fear Itself: The First Inaugural Address》, Texas A&M UP .
  • ——— (2001), 《Rhetoric as Currency: Hoover, Roosevelt, and the Great Depression》, Texas A&M UP .
  • Roosevelt, Franklin D. (2005), 《My Friends》, Kessinger Publishing, ISBN 1-4179-9610-2 
  • Ryan, Halford Ross (1979), “Roosevelt's First Inaugural: A Study of Technique”, 《Quarterly Journal of Speech》 65 (2): 137–49, doi:10.1080/00335637909383466 .
  • ——— (1988), 《Franklin D. Roosevelt's Rhetorical Presidency》, Greenwood Press .
  • Stelzner, Hermann G (1966), “'War Message,' December 8, 1941: An Approach to Language”, 《Communication Monographs》 33 (4): 419–37, doi:10.1080/03637756609375508, S2CID 144612750 .

역사적 자료[편집]

  • Hendrickson Jr., Kenneth E. "FDR Biographies," in William D. Pederson, ed. A Companion to Franklin D. Roosevelt (2011) pp 1–14
  • Provizer, Norman W. "Eleanor Roosevelt Biographies," in William D. Pederson, ed. A Companion to Franklin D. Roosevelt (2011) pp 15–33

주요 자료[편집]

  • Cantril, Hadley; Strunk, Mildred, 편집. (1951), 《Public Opinion, 1935–1946》 , massive compilation of many public opinion polls from the US.
  • Loewenheim, Francis L; Langley, Harold D, 편집. (1975), 《Roosevelt and Churchill: Their Secret Wartime Correspondence》 .
  • Roosevelt, Franklin Delano (1945) [1938], Rosenman, Samuel Irving, 편집., 《The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt》, 13 volumes .
  • ——— (1946), Zevin, BD, 편집., 《Nothing to Fear: The Selected Addresses of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1932–1945》 .
  • ——— (2005) [1947], Taylor, Myron C, 편집., 《Wartime Correspondence Between President Roosevelt and Pope Pius XII》 (reprint), Kessinger Publishing, ISBN 978-1-4191-6654-9 .
  • Roosevelt, Franklin. Franklin D. Roosevelt and foreign affairs (FDR Library, 1969) 14 vol. online free to borrow; covers Jan 1933 to Aug 1939; 9 volumes are online
    • Nixon, Edgar B, 편집. (1969), 《Franklin D Roosevelt and Foreign Affairs》  (3 vol), covers 1933–37. 2nd series 1937–39 available on microfiche and in a 14 vol print edition at some academic libraries.
  • Tully, Grace (2005). 《Franklin Delano Roosevelt, My Boss》. Kessinger Publishing. ISBN 978-1-4179-8926-3. 

같이 보기[편집]

외부 링크[편집]