The Adventures of Massey Ferguson

The Adventures of Massey Ferguson is a New Zealand made animated television series for young children. The characters, who live on a farm near the fictional rural town of Kumara Cove, include Massey Ferguson the tractor, Gracie the farm bike, Max Tractor the John Deere, Beaut the purple Ute, Mrs Milk the Milk Tanker, Slomo the Mobility Scooter and Rusty the Ford Model AA.[1]

The series was created by broadcaster Jim Mora, and Brent Chambers from the production house Flux Animation.[2]

The Adventures of Massey Ferguson also aired in both Australia and The UK.[citation needed] In some countries it was titled I Love My Tractor.[1]

Beaut the Ute was a 2005 children's picture book by Jim Mora and Brent Chambers based on the series.[3]


  1. ^ a b "The Adventures of Massey Ferguson - Full Series - Overview". NZ Onscreen. Retrieved 8 July 2024.
  2. ^ "The Adventures of Massey Ferguson - Full Series - Credits". Retrieved 8 July 2024.
  3. ^ "Beaut the Ute". National Library of New Zealand (record). Retrieved 8 July 2024.