Nintendo Comics System

Nintendo Comics System foi uma série de gibis publicados pela Valiant Comics de 1990 a 1991. A série fazia parte de um licenciamento com a Nintendo, apresentando histórias em quadrinhos com os personagens das franquias de Video-games produzidos pela companhia, e também dos desenhos animados baseados nos mesmos.

Títulos[editar | editar código-fonte]

Nota: Histórias curtas são aquelas com somente 1 ou 2 páginas. Histórias longas são aquelas com 4 páginas ou mais.

Super Mario Bros.[editar | editar código-fonte]

Histórias curtas
  • The Legend
  • Koopa's Health & Beauty Tips
  • Dear Princess Toadstool (1ª parte)
  • Public Service Announcement
  • The Mario Bros. Guide To Grooming Your Moustache
  • Dear Princess Toadstool (2ª parte)
  • Koopa's Believe It Or Else!
  • Dear Princess Toadstool (3ª parte)
  • Mario Bros. Museum Of Plumbing (1ª parte)
  • Koopa's High School Yearbook
  • Fryguy High Yearbook - Activity Page!
  • Mario Bros. Museum Of Plumbing (2ª parte)
  • Family Album: The Early Years
  • Advertisement: Koopa Kola
  • In The Swim! Fun And Sun Fashions
  • Advertisement: Klub Koopa
  • Advertisement: Koopatone
  • Family Album: Summer Camp
  • Throne Out
  • Weight Up
  • Kitchen Kraziness
  • Toad's House
Histórias longas
  • The Fish That Should've Gotten Away
  • Mutiny on the Fungi
  • A Mouser in the Houser
  • Just Deserts
  • The Adventures of Dirk Drain-Head
  • You Again?
  • Piranha Round-Sue
  • Cloud Nine
  • Magic Carpet Madness
  • The Kingdom Enquirer
  • Bedtime For Drain-Head
  • Love Flounders
  • Betrayal Most Proper
  • Beauty and the Beach
  • Fins and Roses
  • Duh Stoopid Bomb!
  • Cloud Burst
  • The Buddy System
  • It's Always Fair Weather
  • Elect Mario For Man of the Year
  • The Revenge of Pipe Ooze!
  • Minor Defects
  • The Doctor Is In... Over His Head
  • Bowser Knows Best!
  • Tanooki Suits Me

Game Boy[editar | editar código-fonte]

Histórias curtas
  • International Enquisitor (1ª parte)
  • International Enquisitor (2ª parte)
  • International Enquisitor (3ª parte)
Histórias longas
  • In the Palm of Your Hand...
  • It's A Small World After All
  • Team Play

The Legend of Zelda[editar | editar código-fonte]

Histórias curtas
  • [Prologue]
  • Map of Hyrule
  • Map of North Castle
  • Zelda's Consumer Tips
  • Secrets of the Triforce
  • The Perfect Date
  • Impa's Info
  • The Adventurer Link
  • The Complete Hero
  • The Legendary Zelda
Histórias longas
  • Missing in Action
  • He Also Serves
  • Trust Me
  • To the First Power
  • The Power / The Price
  • Thief in the Night
  • Queen of Hearts
  • It's Good to be King
  • The Day of the Triforce
  • Coming Home
  • Assault / Choices

Captain N: The Game Master[editar | editar código-fonte]

Histórias curtas
  • Welcome to VideoLand
  • Every Dog Has His Day
  • Villains' Do's And Don'ts
  • The Item
  • The Fabulous Powers of Captain N
  • Video-Town
  • Secrets of the Warp Zones
  • VideoLand Guidebook: Prisonworld
Histórias longas
  • All's Well That Ends Swell
  • The Fruit and Vegetable War
  • Money Changes Everything
  • The Happy Zone
  • Just a Dog
  • The Master Machine
  • Nervous Meltdown
  • A Dog's Life
  • The Real Game Master
  • Breakout
  • A King of Shreds and Patches
  • When Friends Fall Out

Metroid[editar | editar código-fonte]

Histórias curtas
  • The Coming of a Hero
  • Metroid
  • Return of Samus
Histórias longas
  • Deciet Du Jour

Punch-Out!![editar | editar código-fonte]

Histórias curtas
  • The First Fight
Histórias longas
  • Outsiders
  • Fox and Hounds

Ligações externas[editar | editar código-fonte]

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