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Voyager 1 / Voyager 2

English: NASA photograph of one of the two identical Voyager space probes Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 launched in 1977.

The 3.7 metre diameter high-gain antenna (HGA) is attached to the hollow ten-sided polygonal body housing the electronics, here seen in profile. The Voyager Golden Record is attached to one of the bus sides.

The angled square panel below is the optical calibration target and excess heat radiator.

The three radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) are mounted end-to-end on the left-extending boom. One of the two planetary radio and plasma wave antenna extends diagonally left and down, the other extends to the rear, mostly hidden here. The compact structure between the RTGs and the HGA are the high-field and low-field magnetometers (MAG) in their stowed state; after launch an Astromast boom extended to 13 metres to distance the low-field magnetometers.

The instrument boom extending to the right holds, from left to right: the cosmic ray subsystem (CRS) above and Low-Energy Charged Particle (LECP) detector below; the Plasma Spectrometer (PLS) above; and the scan platform that rotates about a vertical axis.

The scan platform comprises: the Infrared Interferometer Spectrometer (IRIS) (largest camera at right); the Ultraviolet Spectrometer (UVS) to the right of the UVS; the two Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) vidicon cameras to the left of the UVS; and the Photopolarimeter System (PPS) barely visible under the ISS.

Suggested for English Wikipedia:alternative text for images: A space probe with squat cylindrical body topped by a large parabolic radio antenna dish pointing upwards, a three-element radioisotope thermoelectric generator on a boom extending left, and scientific instruments on a boom extending right. A golden disk is fixed to the body.
Sursă NASA Voyager website
Autor NASA/JPL-Caltech
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  • Materialele luate de Telescopul spaţial Hubble pot avea drepturi de autor diferite dacă nu vin explicit de la Institutul Ştiinţific al Telescopului Spaţial (STScl). Detalii.
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  • Imaginile ce au fost publicate pe site-ul Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) pot fi restricţionate de drepturile de autor. Detalii.
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Data și oraMiniaturăDimensiuniUtilizatorComentariu
actuală18 ianuarie 2009 11:52Miniatură pentru versiunea din 18 ianuarie 2009 11:52800x626 (151 KB)Nova13{{Information |Description= |Source= |Date= |Author= |Permission= |other_versions= }} Category:Voyager 1
26 mai 2006 14:46Miniatură pentru versiunea din 26 mai 2006 14:46800x626 (38 KB)SiebrandHigh res version, same source
27 mai 2005 13:32Miniatură pentru versiunea din 27 mai 2005 13:32486x380 (14 KB)Mosesofmason{{mprotected}} Voyager Spacecraft {{PD-USGov}}

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