
Из Википедии, бесплатной энциклопедии

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Краткое описание

English: Plan of the ancient agora of Athens c. 5th century BC.


  • 01 Square Peristyle, probably used as a courthouse & surrounded by vendors. Built early 4th c. BC, demolished c. 150 BC.
  • 02 Mint, used for Athens's bronze coinage. Built c. 400 BC, destroyed c. 1st century.
  • 03 SE Fountainhouse, misidentified by Pausenias as the Nine-Spouted Fountain (Enneakrounos). Built c. 525 BC.
  • 04 South Stoa I. Built c. 425 BC, dismantled mid-2nd c. BC.
  • 05 Aiakeion, dedicated to the Aeginan hero Aiakos, used as a granary & for the display of legal decisions. Formerly misidentified as the Heliaia. Built early 5th c. BC by order of the Pythia of Delphi.
  • 06 Strategeion, dedicated to the hero Strategos, used as the meeting house of Athens's 10 generals (strategoi). Built mid-5th c. BC.
  • 07 Stone benches of Agora Hill (Kolonos Agoraios). Built late 5th c. BC.
  • 08 Tholos. Also known as the Skias from its supposed resemblance to a straw hat. Also known as the Prytanikon or Prytaneion as the home of the Prytany. Built c. 470 BC.
  • 09 Boundary stone, marking one entrance to the agora. Erected c. 500 BC.
  • 10 Monument of the Eponymous Heroes, the namesakes of the Athenian democracy's 10 tribes, chosen by the Pythia of Delphi. Present structure built late 4th c. BC.
  • 11 Metroon, the Old Bouleuterion, dedicated to Cybele in propitiation after the Plague of Pericles was attributed to the murder of one of her missionary priests. Present structure built mid-2nd c. BC.
  • 12 New Bouleuterion. Built late 5th c. BC.
  • 13 Hephaistion or Theseion, the temple of Hephaestus & Athena the Worker (Athena Ergane), decorated with events in the lives of Hercules & Theseus. Built late 5th c. BC.
  • 14 Temple of Fatherly Apollo (Apollo Patroos), honoring his siring of Ion, eponymous forefather of the Ionian Greeks. Built late 4th c. BC.
  • 15 Stoa of Free Zeus (Zeus Eleutherios), honoring his help in defeating the Persians at Plataia & decorated with the shields of Athenians fallen in battle. Built late 5th c. BC.
  • 16 Altar of the Twelve Gods, sanctuary. Built early 6th c. BC, dedicated 521 BC.
  • 17 Royal Stoa (Stoa Basileios), seat of the royal archon (archon basileus), public copies of the city's laws, & the oath stone used to swear in new officials. Built c. 500 BC.
  • 18 Temple of Heavenly Aphrodite (Aphrodite Urania). Built late 6th c. BC.
  • 19 The Painted Stoa (Stoa Poikile), depicting Athenian victories in paintings & captured arms. Built early 5th c. BC.
  • 20 A former mistaken location of the Painted Stoa used when 19 was mistakenly assumed to be the Stoa of the Herms.
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текущий19:27, 2 марта 2007Миниатюра для версии от 19:27, 2 марта 2007808 × 720 (38 КБ)Madmedea{{Information |Description= Plan of the ancient agora of Athens c. 5th century BCE. |Source=Own work. |Date=2 May 2007 |Author= User:Madmedea |Permission=Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 2.0 license |other_versions= }} ==Key== *1 Peristylar C

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