Модуль:Unicode data

{{i}} Документація модуля[перегляд] [редагувати] [історія] [очистити кеш]


Цей модуль надає функції для доступу до інформації про кодові точки Юнікоду. Інформація вилучається з модулів даних, що згенеровані з бази даних символів Юнікоду, або виводиться за правилами, наведеними у специфікації Юнікоду. Цей модуль та його підмодулі було скопійовано з українського вікісловника і потім змінено; докладнішу інформацію див. там.

Параметри та функції

code point

Кодова точка має бути введена у вигляді шістнадцяткового значення. Наприклад, U+00A9 © COPYRIGHT SIGN:

{{#invoke:Unicode data|lookup|name|0x00A9}} → <reserved-00A9>

Неправильні або непередбачені результати:

169dec: {{#invoke:Unicode data|lookup|name|169}} → <reserved-0169> Red XНі —"U+00A9" &copy; expected; but is read as 00A9hex (that is, 361dec
U+00A9 {{#invoke:Unicode data|lookup|name|U+00A9}} Red XНі —do not use "U+" prefix
غ {{#invoke:Unicode data|lookup|name|غ}} Red XНі —cannot enter a character as codepoint

Функції "lookup" та "is"

lookup, is
Template-invokable functions that allow access to the functions starting with lookup and is.For most of the functions, add the code point in hexadecimal base as the next parameter. For is"|Latin, is|rtl, and is|valid_pagename, add character string. HTML character references in the text are decoded by the module into code points.
For example, {{#invoke:Unicode data|is|Latin|àzàhàr̃iyyā̀}} → true.
Internally, in modules, these functions are named using underscore: lookup_name|code pointlookup_name
For &A9; ©: {{#invoke:Unicode data|lookup|name|A9}} → <reserved-00A9>

Огляд функцій

Модуль:Unicode data/overview/документація

Модулі даних

Дані, що використовуються функціями цього модуля, знаходяться в підмодулях. Деякі з них генеруються скриптами AWK, показаними в Користувач:Kephir/Unicode в англійському вікісловнику, інші — скриптами Lua на підсторінках /make підмодулів.

The name data modules (Модуль:Unicode data/names/xxx) were compiled from UnicodeData.txt. Each one contains, at maximum, code points U+xxx000 to U+xxxFFF.

Модулі даних імен символів,
організовані за першими трьома цифрами кодової точки в шістнадцятковій системі числення
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F

Авторське право

База даних Unicode, що випускається компанією Unicode Inc. на таких умовах:

Copyright © 1991-2022 Unicode, Inc. All rights reserved. Distributed under the Terms of Use in https://www.unicode.org/copyright.html.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of the Unicode data files and any associated documentation (the "Data Files") or Unicode software and any associated documentation (the "Software") to deal in the Data Files or Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, and/or sell copies of the Data Files or Software, and to permit persons to whom the Data Files or Software are furnished to do so, provided that either (a) this copyright and permission notice appear with all copies of the Data Files or Software, or (b) this copyright and permission notice appear in associated Documentation.


Except as contained in this notice, the name of a copyright holder shall not be used in advertising or otherwise to promote the sale, use or other dealings in these Data Files or Software without prior written authorization of the copyright holder.

Відомі проблеми

Див. також

  • Named entities: for example, U+22C1 N-ARY LOGICAL OR: {{#invoke:LoadData|Numcr2namecr|0x22C1}}Помилка скрипту: Не існує модуля «LoadData».
local p = {}  local floor = math.floor  local function errorf(level, ...) 	if type(level) == "number" then 		return error(string.format(...), level + 1) 	else -- level is actually the format string. 		return error(string.format(level, ...), 2) 	end end  local function binary_range_search(codepoint, ranges) 	local low, mid, high 	low, high = 1, ranges.length or require "Module:TableTools".length(ranges) 	while low <= high do 		mid = floor((low + high) / 2) 		local range = ranges[mid] 		if codepoint < range[1] then 			high = mid - 1 		elseif codepoint <= range[2] then 			return range, mid 		else 			low = mid + 1 		end 	end 	return nil, mid end p.binary_range_search = binary_range_search  --[[ local function linear_range_search(codepoint, ranges) 	for i, range in ipairs(ranges) do 		if range[1] <= codepoint and codepoint <= range[2] then 			return range 		end 	end end --]]  -- Load a module by indexing "loader" with the name of the module minus the -- "Module:Unicode data/" part. For instance, loader.blocks returns -- [[Module:Unicode data/blocks]]. If a module cannot be loaded, false will be -- returned. local loader = setmetatable({}, { 	__index = function (self, key) 		local success, data = pcall(mw.loadData, "Module:Unicode data/" .. key) 		if not success then 			data = false 		end 		self[key] = data 		return data 	end })  -- For the algorithm used to generate Hangul Syllable names, -- see "Hangul Syllable Name Generation" in section 3.12 of the -- Unicode Specification: -- https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode11.0.0/ch03.pdf local name_hooks = { 	{     0x00,     0x1F, "<control-%04X>" }, -- C0 control characters 	{     0x7F,     0x9F, "<control-%04X>" }, -- DEL and C1 control characters 	{   0x3400,   0x4DB5, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension A 	{   0x4E00,   0x9FEF, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph 	{   0xAC00,   0xD7A3, function (codepoint) -- Hangul Syllables 		local Hangul_data = loader.Hangul 		local syllable_index = codepoint - 0xAC00  		return ("HANGUL SYLLABLE %s%s%s"):format( 			Hangul_data.leads[floor(syllable_index / Hangul_data.final_count)], 			Hangul_data.vowels[floor((syllable_index % Hangul_data.final_count) 				/ Hangul_data.trail_count)], 			Hangul_data.trails[syllable_index % Hangul_data.trail_count] 		) 	end }, 	-- High Surrogates, High Private Use Surrogates, Low Surrogates 	{   0xD800,   0xDFFF, "<surrogate-%04X>" }, 	{   0xE000,   0xF8FF, "<private-use-%04X>" }, -- Private Use 	-- CJK Compatibility Ideographs 	{   0xF900,   0xFA6D, "CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, 	{   0xFA70,   0xFAD9, "CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, 	{  0x17000,  0x187F1, "TANGUT IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- Tangut 	{  0x18800,  0x18AF2, function (codepoint) 		return ("TANGUT COMPONENT-%03d"):format(codepoint - 0x187FF) 	end }, 	{  0x1B170,  0x1B2FB, "NUSHU CHARACTER-%04X" }, -- Nushu 	{  0x20000,  0x2A6D6, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension B 	{  0x2A700,  0x2B734, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension C 	{  0x2A740,  0x2B81D, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension D 	{  0x2B820,  0x2CEA1, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension E 	{  0x2CEB0,  0x2EBE0, "CJK UNIFIED IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, -- CJK Ideograph Extension F 	-- CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement (Supplementary Ideographic Plane) 	{  0x2F800,  0x2FA1D, "CJK COMPATIBILITY IDEOGRAPH-%04X" }, 	{  0xE0100,  0xE01EF, function (codepoint) -- Variation Selectors Supplement 		return ("VARIATION SELECTOR-%d"):format(codepoint - 0xE0100 + 17) 	end}, 	{  0xF0000,  0xFFFFD, "<private-use-%04X>" }, -- Plane 15 Private Use 	{ 0x100000, 0x10FFFD, "<private-use-%04X>" }  -- Plane 16 Private Use } name_hooks.length = #name_hooks  local name_range_cache  local function generate_name(data, codepoint) 	if type(data) == "string" then 		return data:format(codepoint) 	else 		return data(codepoint) 	end end  --[[ -- Checks that the code point is a number and in range. -- Does not check whether code point is an integer. -- Not used local function check_codepoint(funcName, argIdx, val) 	require 'libraryUtil'.checkType(funcName, argIdx, val, 'number') 	if codepoint < 0 or 0x10FFFF < codepoint then 		errorf("Codepoint %04X out of range", codepoint) 	end end --]]  -- https://www.unicode.org/versions/Unicode11.0.0/ch04.pdf, section 4.8 function p.lookup_name(codepoint) 	-- U+FDD0-U+FDEF and all code points ending in FFFE or FFFF are Unassigned 	-- (Cn) and specifically noncharacters: 	-- https://www.unicode.org/faq/private_use.html#nonchar4 	if 0xFDD0 <= codepoint and (codepoint <= 0xFDEF 			or floor(codepoint % 0x10000) >= 0xFFFE) then 		return ("<noncharacter-%04X>"):format(codepoint) 	end  	if name_range_cache -- Check if previously used "name hook" applies to this code point. 			and codepoint >= name_range_cache[1] 			and codepoint <= name_range_cache[2] then 		return generate_name(name_range_cache[3], codepoint) 	end 	 	local range = binary_range_search(codepoint, name_hooks) 	if range then 		name_range_cache = range 		return generate_name(range[3], codepoint) 	end  	local data = loader[('names/%03X'):format(codepoint / 0x1000)] 	 	if data and data[codepoint] then 		return data[codepoint] 	 	-- Unassigned (Cn) consists of noncharacters and reserved characters. 	-- The character has been established not to be a noncharacter, 	-- and if it were assigned, its name would already been retrieved, 	-- so it must be reserved. 	else 		return ("<reserved-%04X>"):format(codepoint) 	end end  --[[ -- No image data modules on Wikipedia yet. function p.lookup_image(codepoint) 	local data = loader[('images/%03X'):format(codepoint / 0x1000)] 	 	if data then 		return data[codepoint] 	end end --]]  local planes = { 	[ 0] = "Basic Multilingual Plane"; 	[ 1] = "Supplementary Multilingual Plane"; 	[ 2] = "Supplementary Ideographic Plane"; 	[13] = "Supplementary Special-purpose Plane"; 	[14] = "Supplementary Private Use Area-A"; 	[15] = "Supplementary Private Use Area-B"; }  -- Load [[Module:Unicode data/blocks]] if needed and assign it to this variable. local blocks  local function block_iter(blocks, i) 	i = i + 1 	local data = blocks[i] 	if data then 		 -- Unpack doesn't work on tables loaded with mw.loadData. 		return i, data[1], data[2], data[3] 	end end  -- An ipairs-type iterator generator for the list of blocks. function p.enum_blocks() 	local blocks = loader.blocks 	return block_iter, blocks, 0 end  function p.lookup_plane(codepoint) 	local i = floor(codepoint / 0x10000) 	return planes[i] or ("Plane %u"):format(i) end  function p.lookup_block(codepoint) 	local blocks = loader.blocks 	local range = binary_range_search(codepoint, blocks) 	if range then 		return range[3] 	else 		return "No Block" 	end end  function p.get_block_info(name) 	for i, block in ipairs(loader.blocks) do 		if block[3] == name then 			return block 		end 	end end  function p.is_valid_pagename(pagename) 	local has_nonws = false  	for cp in mw.ustring.gcodepoint(pagename) do 		if (cp == 0x0023) -- # 		or (cp == 0x005B) -- [ 		or (cp == 0x005D) -- ] 		or (cp == 0x007B) -- { 		or (cp == 0x007C) -- | 		or (cp == 0x007D) -- } 		or (cp == 0x180E) -- MONGOLIAN VOWEL SEPARATOR 		or ((cp >= 0x2000) and (cp <= 0x200A)) -- spaces in General Punctuation block 		or (cp == 0xFFFD) -- REPLACEMENT CHARACTER 		then 			return false 		end  		local printable, result = p.is_printable(cp) 		if not printable then 			return false 		end  		if result ~= "space-separator" then 			has_nonws = true 		end 	end  	return has_nonws end  local function manual_unpack(what, from) 	if what[from + 1] == nil then 		return what[from] 	end 	 	local result = {} 	from = from or 1 	for i, item in ipairs(what) do 		if i >= from then 			table.insert(result, item) 		end 	end 	return unpack(result) end  local function compare_ranges(range1, range2) 	return range1[1] < range2[1] end  -- Creates a function to look up data in a module that contains "singles" (a -- code point-to-data map) and "ranges" (an array containing arrays that contain -- the low and high code points of a range and the data associated with that -- range). -- "loader" loads and returns the "singles" and "ranges" tables. -- "match_func" is passed the code point and either the data or the "dots", and -- generates the final result of the function. -- The varargs ("dots") describes the default data to be returned if there wasn't -- a match. -- In case the function is used more than once, "cache" saves ranges that have -- already been found to match, or a range whose data is the default if there -- was no match. local function memo_lookup(data_module_subpage, match_func, ...) 	local dots = { ... } 	local cache = {} 	local singles, ranges  	return function (codepoint) 		if not singles then 			local data_module = loader[data_module_subpage] 			singles, ranges = data_module.singles, data_module.ranges 		end  		if singles[codepoint] then 			return match_func(codepoint, singles[codepoint]) 		end  		local range = binary_range_search(codepoint, cache) 		if range then 			return match_func(codepoint, manual_unpack(range, 3)) 		end 		 		local range, index = binary_range_search(codepoint, ranges) 		if range then 			table.insert(cache, range) 			table.sort(cache, compare_ranges) 			return match_func(codepoint, manual_unpack(range, 3)) 		end 		 		if ranges[index] then 			local dots_range 			if codepoint > ranges[index][2] then 				dots_range = { 					ranges[index][2] + 1, 					ranges[index + 1] and ranges[index + 1][1] - 1 or 0x10FFFF, 					unpack(dots) 				} 			else -- codepoint < range[index][1] 				dots_range = { 					ranges[index - 1] and ranges[index - 1][2] + 1 or 0, 					ranges[index][1] - 1, 					unpack(dots) 				} 			end 			table.sort(cache, compare_ranges) 		end 		 		return match_func(codepoint) 	end end  -- Get a code point's combining class value in [[Module:Unicode data/combining]], -- and return whether this value is not zero. Zero is assigned as the default -- if the combining class value is not found in this data module. -- That is, return true if character is combining, or false if it is not. -- See https://www.unicode.org/reports/tr44/#Canonical_Combining_Class_Values for -- more information. p.is_combining = memo_lookup( 	"combining", 	function (codepoint, combining_class) 		return combining_class and combining_class ~= 0 or false 	end, 	0)  function p.add_dotted_circle(str) 	return (mw.ustring.gsub(str, ".", 		function(char) 			if p.is_combining(mw.ustring.codepoint(char)) then 				return '◌' .. char 			end 		end)) end  local lookup_control = memo_lookup( 	"control", 	function (codepoint, ccc) 		return ccc or "assigned" 	end, 	"assigned") p.lookup_control = lookup_control  function p.is_assigned(codepoint) 	return lookup_control(codepoint) ~= "unassigned" end  function p.is_printable(codepoint) 	local result = lookup_control(codepoint) 	return (result == "assigned") or (result == "space-separator"), result end  function p.is_whitespace(codepoint) 	local result = lookup_control(codepoint) 	return (result == "space-separator"), result end  p.lookup_category = memo_lookup( 	"category", 	function (codepoint, category) 		return category 	end, 	"Cn")  local lookup_script = memo_lookup( 	"scripts", 	function (codepoint, script_code) 		return script_code or 'Zzzz' 	end, 	"Zzzz") p.lookup_script = lookup_script  function p.get_best_script(str) 	-- Check type of argument, because mw.text.decode coerces numbers to strings! 	require "libraryUtil".checkType("get_best_script", 1, str, "string") 	 	-- Convert HTML character references (including named character references, 	-- or character entities) to characters. 	str = mw.text.decode(str, true) 	 	local scripts = {} 	for codepoint in mw.ustring.gcodepoint(str) do 		local script = lookup_script(codepoint) 		 		-- Ignore "Inherited", "Undetermined", or "Uncoded" scripts. 		if not (script == "Zyyy" or script == "Zinh" or script == "Zzzz") then 			scripts[script] = true 		end 	end 	 	-- If scripts does not contain two or more keys, 	-- return first and only key (script code) in table. 	if not next(scripts, next(scripts)) then 		return next(scripts) 	end -- else return majority script, or else "Zzzz"? end  function p.is_Latin(str) 	require "libraryUtil".checkType("get_best_script", 1, str, "string") 	str = mw.text.decode(str, true) 	 	-- Search for the leading bytes that introduce the UTF-8 encoding of the 	-- code points U+0340-U+10FFFF. If they are not found and there is at least 	-- one Latin-script character, the string counts as Latin, because the rest 	-- of the characters can only be Zyyy, Zinh, and Zzzz. 	-- The only scripts found below U+0370 (the first code point of the Greek 	-- and Coptic block) are Latn, Zyyy, Zinh, and Zzzz. 	-- See the codepage in the [[UTF-8]] article. 	if not str:find "[\205-\244]" then 		for codepoint in mw.ustring.gcodepoint(str) do 			if lookup_script(codepoint) == "Latn" then 				return true 			end 		end 	end 	 	local Latn = false 	 	for codepoint in mw.ustring.gcodepoint(str) do 		local script = lookup_script(codepoint) 		 		if script == "Latn" then 			Latn = true 		elseif not (script == "Zyyy" or script == "Zinh" 				or script == "Zzzz") then 			return false 		end 	end 	 	return Latn end  -- Checks that a string contains only characters belonging to right-to-left -- scripts, or characters of ignorable scripts. function p.is_rtl(str) 	require "libraryUtil".checkType("get_best_script", 1, str, "string") 	str = mw.text.decode(str, true) 	 	-- Search for the leading bytes that introduce the UTF-8 encoding of the 	-- code points U+0580-U+10FFFF. If they are not found, the string can only 	-- have characters from a left-to-right script, because the first code point 	-- in a right-to-left script is U+0591, in the Hebrew block. 	if not str:find "[\214-\244]" then 		return false 	end 	 	local result = false 	local rtl = loader.scripts.rtl 	for codepoint in mw.ustring.gcodepoint(str) do 		local script = lookup_script(codepoint) 		 		if rtl[script] then 			result = true 		elseif not (script == "Zyyy" or script == "Zinh" 				or script == "Zzzz") then 			return false 		end 	end 	 	return result end  local function get_codepoint(args, arg) 	local codepoint_string = args[arg] 		or errorf(2, "Parameter %s is required", tostring(arg)) 	local codepoint = tonumber(codepoint_string, 16) 		or errorf(2, "Parameter %s is not a code point in hexadecimal base", 			tostring(arg)) 	if not (0 <= codepoint and codepoint <= 0x10FFFF) then 		errorf(2, "code point in parameter %s out of range", tostring(arg)) 	end 	return codepoint end  local function get_func(args, arg, prefix) 	local suffix = args[arg] 		or errorf(2, "Parameter %s is required", tostring(arg)) 	suffix = mw.text.trim(suffix) 	local func_name = prefix .. suffix 	local func = p[func_name] 		or errorf(2, "There is no function '%s'", func_name) 	return func end  -- This function allows any of the "lookup" functions to be invoked. The first -- parameter is the word after "lookup_"; the second parameter is the code point -- in hexadecimal base. function p.lookup(frame) 	local func = get_func(frame.args, 1, "lookup_") 	local codepoint = get_codepoint(frame.args, 2) 	local result = func(codepoint) 	if func == p.lookup_name then 		-- Prevent code point labels such as <control-0000> from being 		-- interpreted as HTML tags. 		result = result:gsub("<", "&lt;") 	end 	return result end  function p.is(frame) 	local func = get_func(frame.args, 1, "is_") 	 	-- is_Latin and is_valid_pagename take strings. 	if func == p.is_Latin or func == p.is_valid_pagename or func == p.is_rtl then 		return (func(frame.args[2])) 	else -- The rest take code points. 		local codepoint = get_codepoint(frame.args, 2) 		return (func(codepoint)) -- Adjust to one result. 	end end  return p