Final release
XULJet-3.0.5 / September 7, 2011 (2011-09-07)
Written inJavaScript
Operating systemCross-platform
TypeJavaScript library
LicenseMIT License

XULJet was an open-source JavaScript framework for the Mozilla XULRunner run-time environment. It is intended for writing desktop applications in pure JavaScript.

XULJet provides a component architecture and user interface elements description inspired by Seaside. It implements some CommonJS specifications.[1]



Hello world in XULJet:

var xuljet = require("lib/xuljet")  var Main = function(aWindow) {   xuljet.Component.call(this, aWindow)   this.message = "Hello World!" } xuljet.inherits(Main, xuljet.Component)  Main.prototype.render = function(xul) {   xul.vbox(     { flex: 1 },     xul.toolbox(       xul.menubar(         xul.menu(           { label: "File", accesskey: "f" },           xul.menupopup(             xul.menuitem({ label: "Close", oncommand: "window.close()" }))))),     xul.vbox(       { align: "center", pack: "center", flex: 1 },       xul.description({ bind: "desc" }, "Press the button"),       xul.button({         label: "OK",         oncommand: function() {           this["desc"].value = this.message         }       })),     xul.statusbar(xul.statusbarpanel({ flex: 1, label: "Ready..." }))   ) }  function main() {   var rootComponent = new Main(window)   window.setTitle("XULJet")   rootComponent.beMainWindowComponent() } 

See also



  1. ^ "Implementations/XULJet - CommonJS Spec Wiki". wiki.commonjs.org. Retrieved 2018-09-08.