
奶嘴乐(英語:tittytainment),又譯為餒餒娛樂奶嘴娛樂,是一个合成词,來自於英文titty」(奶头)与「entertainment」(娱乐)兩詞的組合。据奥地利作家汉斯-彼得·马丁英语Hans-Peter Martin自己声称是由美國国家安全顾问布热津斯基创造的,特別泛指那一類能讓人著迷、低成本又能夠使人滿足的低俗娛樂內容。[1]奶頭樂理論是用來描述一個設想:由於生產力的不斷上升,世界上的一大部分人口將會不用也無法積極參與產品和服務的生產,為了安慰這些人,他們的生活應該被大量的娛樂活動(比如網絡、電視和遊戲)填滿。



傳言这个理論的设计者是布热津斯基。消息來源是一本名叫《全球化陷阱英语The Global Trap》的书。书的一个大卖点,是1995年9月,他们在美国旧金山的费尔蒙特大饭店,旁听了一场内部圆桌会议。据说会议高度保密,只邀请了3名媒体记者,他俩就在其中。在马丁和舒曼的“独家描述”中,这个会议高不可攀,由苏联前总统戈尔巴乔夫出面组织,出席者是当时世界上最重要的一些政治家、经济和科技界人物,包括老布什撒切尔夫人索罗斯比尔·盖茨等,共有500多人。在《全球化陷阱》中,两位德国记者对那场会议的描写生动细致,但那些细节,甚至那场会议是否真举行过,再没有任何其他公开材料佐证。[2]




  1. ^ Workplace Faith. [4 May 2014]. (原始内容存档于2014-05-04). Certain trends in society indicate that there could be several painful good-byes. In the book, in September 1995, there was an assembly of experienced world leaders in the famous Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco. Among them were Mikhail Gorbachev, George Bush, Margaret Thatcher, and George Shultz. There were also certain business magnates, key players in the IT field, as well as equally respected financiers and professors from Stanford, Harvard, and Oxford. This "global braintrust" predicted that just 20 percent of the world's workforce will be sufficient to keep world economy going. Just one-fifth of the workforce is needed. The pragmatists in the Fairmont Hotel summed up our future in the ration "20:80" and the phrase "tittitainment." In other words, 20 percent of the world's workforce will live a very active life, earn money, and have the capacity to be good consumers, regardless of which country they come from. But what about the rest, the other 80 percent? For them the future will be very different, as one of the leaders put it, "To have lunch - or be lunch!" Mr Abigniew Brzezinski, the former advisor to Jimmy Carter, coined the word "Tittitainment." This word is a combination between "entertainment" and "tits" - American slang word for female breasts. It describes the need for plenty of entertainment and enough food to keep the world's frustrated 80 percent in a good mood! What a world to live in! We could be describing the Roman Empire just before its fall. 
  2. ^ 可怕的“奶头乐”陷阱 是美国专为中国设下的吗?. 新浪网. 环球网. 2018-08-30 [2019-04-29]. (原始内容存档于2019-08-14). 





