
local p = {} local Frame_args = {} local Moduletext local Modulecite local Moduleflags local InfoboxImage local ModuleGlobes local formatera local weblink  local citetitle = "Module:Cite Q" if nil ~= string.find(mw.getCurrentFrame():getTitle(), "ملعب", 1, true) then 	citetitle = "Module:Cite Q/ملعب" end  local i18n = { 	["errors"] = { 		["property-param-not-provided"] = "وسيط property غير متوفر.", 		["entity-not-found"] = "الكيان غير موجود.", 		["unknown-claim-type"] = "نوع claim غير معروف.", 		["unknown-snak-type"] = "نوع snak غير معروف.", 		["unknown-datatype"] = "نوع data غير معروف.", 		["unknown-entity-type"] = "نوع entity غير معروف.", 		["unknown-value-module"] = "يجب عليك تعيين كل من  value-module و value-function.", 		["unknown-claim-module"] = "يجب عليك تعيين كل من claim-module و claim-function.", 		["unknown-property-module"] = "يجب عليك تعيين كل من property-module و property-function.", 		["property-module-not-found"] = "الوحدة المستخدمة في وسيط property-module غير موجودة.", 		["property-function-not-found"] = "الوظيفة المستخدمة في وسيط property-function غير موجودة.", 		["value-module-not-found"] = "الوحدة المستخدمة في وسيط value-module غير موجودة.", 		["value-function-not-found"] = "الوظيفة المستخدمة في وسيط value-function غير موجودة.", 		["claim-module-not-found"] = "الوحدة المستخدمة في وسيط claim-module غير موجودة.", 		["claim-function-not-found"] = "الوظيفة المستخدمة في وسيط claim-function غير موجودة." 	}, 	["noarabiclabel"] = "تصنيف:صفحات_ويكي_بيانات_بحاجة_لتسمية_عربية", 	["warnDump"] = "[[Category:Called function 'Dump' from module Wikidata]]", 	["somevalue"] = "", --'"غير محدد"' 	["novalue"] = "", --قيمة مجهولة 	["cateref"] = "[[" .. "تصنيف:صفحات بها مراجع ويكي بيانات" .. "]]", 	["to translate"] = "صفحات تستعمل معطيات من ويكي بيانات بحاجة لترجمة", 	["trackingcat"] = "صفحات تستخدم خاصية $1", 	["see-wikidata-value"] = "الاطلاع ومراجعة البيانات على ويكي داتا", 	["see-wikidata"] = "راجع العنصر من ويكي بيانات المقابل", 	["see-another-project"] = "مقالة على $1", 	["see-another-language"] = "مقالة على ويكيبيديا $1" } local sortingproperties = {"P585", "P571", "P580", "P569", "P582", "P570"} local sorting_methods = { 	["chronological"] = "chronological", 	["تصاعدي"] = "chronological", 	["asc"] = "chronological", 	["inverted"] = "inverted", 	["تنازلي"] = "inverted", 	["desc"] = "inverted" }  local falsetitles = { 	"قالب:قيمة ويكي بيانات", 	"وحدة:Wikidata2" }  local skiip_items = { 	["P106"] = { 		"Q42857", -- prophet 		"Q14886050", -- terrorist 		"Q2159907" -- criminal 	} }  function isvalid(x) 	if x and x ~= "" then return x end 	return nil end  function isntvalid(x) 	if not x or x == "" or x == nil then return true end 	return false end  function No_Tracking_cat(options) 	if isvalid(options.formatting) == "raw" or isvalid(options.formatting) == "sitelink" then 		return true 	end 	local notracking = isvalid(options.nocate) or isvalid(options.notracking) or isvalid(Frame_args.notracking) 	local raw = isvalid(options.raw) or isvalid(Frame_args.raw) or isvalid(options.raw2) or isvalid(Frame_args.raw2) 	local nolink = isvalid(options.nolink) or isvalid(Frame_args.nolink) 	if notracking or raw or nolink then 		return true 	end 	local pagetitle = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().text 	for _, title in pairs(falsetitles) do 		if string.find(pagetitle, title, 1, true) then 			mw.log("notracking for title with: " .. title) 			return true 		end 	end 	return false end  function addTrackingCategory(options) 	if No_Tracking_cat(options) then 		return "" 	end 	local cat = require("Module:Wikidata/تتبع").makecategory1 	local category = cat(options) 	local nbsp = "&nbsp;" 	if isvalid(options.nbsp) then 		nbsp = "" 	end 	if isvalid(category) then 		return nbsp .. category 	end 	return "" end  function catewikidatainfo(options) 	--[[  function to add tracking category ]] 	if No_Tracking_cat(options) then 		return "" 	end 	local cat = "" 	local prop = options.property 	cat = cat .. " [[" .. "تصنيف:صفحات بها بيانات ويكي بيانات|" .. (prop or "wikidata") .. "]]" 	if isntvalid(options.nolink) then 		return cat 	else 		return "" 	end end  function getqualifierbysortingproperty(claim, sortingproperty) 	for k, v in pairs(sortingproperty) do 		if claim and claim.qualifiers and claim.qualifiers[v] and claim.qualifiers[v][1].snaktype == "value" then 			local vali = claim.qualifiers[v][1].datavalue.value.time or claim.qualifiers[v][1].datavalue.value.amount 			if vali:sub(1, 1) == "+" then 				vali = vali:sub(2) 			end 			--mw.log(vali) 			return vali 		end 	end 	return nil end  function get_sorting_properties(options) 	if type(options.sortingproperty) == "table" then 		return options.sortingproperty 	elseif type(options.sortingproperty) == "string" and options.sortingproperty ~= "" then 		return mw.text.split(options.sortingproperty, ",") 	else 		return sortingproperties 	end end  function getDate(claim, options) 	local sortingproperty = get_sorting_properties(options) 	return getqualifierbysortingproperty(claim, sortingproperty) end  function get_entityId(options) 	local id = isvalid(options.entityId) or isvalid(options.id) or isvalid(options.qid) 	if id then 		return id 	end 	if isvalid(options.page) then 		id = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForTitle(options.page) 	else 		id = mw.wikibase.getEntityIdForCurrentPage() 	end 	return id or "" end  function countSiteLinks(id) 	local numb = 0 	local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(id) 	if entity and entity.sitelinks then 		for i, v in pairs(entity.sitelinks) do 			numb = numb + 1 		end 	end 	return numb end  function make_format_num(String) 	local line = String 	line = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess("{{ {{{|safesubst:}}}formatnum: " .. String .. " }}") 	line = mw.ustring.gsub(line, "٫", ".") 	line = mw.ustring.gsub(line, "٬", ",") 	return line end  function formatcharacters(label, options) 	local formatch = options.formatcharacters 	--if options.FormatfirstCharacter and options.num == 1 then 	--formatch = options.FormatfirstCharacter 	--end  	local String2 = mw.ustring.gsub(label, "–", "-") 	local march_y = 		mw.ustring.match(String2, "%d%d%d%d%-%d%d%d%d", 1) or mw.ustring.match(String2, "%d%d%-%d%d%d%d", 1) or 		mw.ustring.match(String2, "%d%d%d%d", 1) or 		mw.ustring.match(String2, "%d%d%d%d%-%d%d", 1) or 		mw.ustring.match(String2, "%d%d%d%d", 1)  	if isvalid(options.illwd2y) then 		return march_y or label 	end 	if isvalid(options.illwd2noy) and march_y then 		label = mw.ustring.gsub(label, march_y, "") 		return label 	end  	if isntvalid(formatch) then 		return label 	end  	local prepr = { 		["lcfirst"] = "{{lcfirst: " .. label .. " }}", 		["lc"] = "{{lc: " .. label .. " }}", 		["uc"] = "{{uc: " .. label .. " }}" 	} 	if prepr[formatch] then 		return mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess(prepr[formatch]) 	elseif formatch == "ucfirst" then 		return mw.language.getContentLanguage():ucfirst(label) 	elseif formatch == "formatnum" then 		return make_format_num(label) 	end 	return label end  function descriptionIn(langcode, id) -- returns item description for a given language 	if isntvalid(langcode) then 		langcode = "ar" 	end 	langcode = mw.text.trim(langcode or "") 	id = mw.text.trim(id or "") 	if langcode == "ar" then 		local description, lange = mw.wikibase.getDescriptionWithLang(id) 		if lange == langcode then 			return description 		else 			return nil 		end 	else 		local entity = getEntityFromId(id) 		if entity and entity.descriptions then 			local description = entity.descriptions[langcode] 			if description and description.value then 				if description["language"] == langcode then 					return description.value 				end 			end 		end 	end 	return nil end  function labelIn(langcode, id) -- returns item label for a given language 	if isntvalid(langcode) then 		langcode = "ar" 	end 	if type(id) ~= "string" then 		id = tostring(id) 	end 	langcode = mw.text.trim(langcode or "") 	id = mw.text.trim(id or "") 	local label = mw.wikibase.getLabelByLang(id, langcode) or nil 	return label end  function get_snak_id(snak) 	if 		snak and snak.type and snak.type == "statement" and snak.mainsnak and snak.mainsnak.snaktype and 			snak.mainsnak.snaktype == "value" and 			snak.mainsnak.datavalue and 			snak.mainsnak.datavalue.type and 			snak.mainsnak.datavalue.type == "wikibase-entityid" and 			snak.mainsnak.datavalue.value and 			snak.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id 	 then 		ID = snak.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id 		return ID 	end end  function comparedates(a, b) -- returns true if a is earlier than B or if a has a date but not b 	if a and b then 		return a > b 	elseif a then 		return true 	end end  function getDateArb(claim, sorting_properties) 	local sortingproperty = sorting_properties 	if claim.mainsnak.snaktype == "value" then 		local item = claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] 		if claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value["entity-type"] == "item" then 			item = "Q" .. item 		elseif claim.mainsnak.datavalue.value["entity-type"] == "property" then 			item = "P" .. item 		end 		for k, prop in pairs(sortingproperty) do 			local date = 				formatStatements({property = prop, entityId = item, firstvalue = "t", noref = "t", modifytime = "q"}) 			if isvalid(date) then 				--mw.log("item:".. item .. ", prop:".. prop .. ", date:".. date) 				return date 			end 		end 	end end  function table_contains(table, element) 	for _, value in pairs(table) do 		if value == element then 			return true 		end 	end 	return false end  function dontget(claims, options) 	--[[ 	options.dontget 	options.dontgetproperty 	]] 	local claims2 = {} 	local dontget_values = mw.text.split(options.dontget, ",")  	for _, claim in pairs(claims) do 		local id = get_snak_id(claim) 		if id then 			local valid = true 			local t2 = 				formatStatements({property = (options.dontgetproperty or "P31"), entityId = id, noref = "t", raw = "t"})  			if t2 and #t2 > 0 then 				for _, state in pairs(t2) do 					if table_contains(dontget_values, state.item) then 						valid = false 						break 					end 				end 			end  			if valid then 				table.insert(claims2, claim) 			end 		end 	end  	return claims2 end  function getonly(claims, options) 	--[[ 	-- options.getonly 	-- options.getonlyproperty 	]] 	local claims2 = {} 	local getonly_values = mw.text.split(options.getonly, ",")  	for _, claim in pairs(claims) do 		local id = get_snak_id(claim) 		if id then 			local t2 = 				formatStatements({property = (options.getonlyproperty or "P31"), entityId = id, noref = "t", raw = "t"}) 			if t2 and #t2 > 0 then 				for _, state in pairs(t2) do 					if table_contains(getonly_values, state.item) then 						table.insert(claims2, claim) 						break 					end 				end 			end 		end 	end  	return claims2 end  function claimindex(claims, options) 	local claims2 = {} 	for j, index in pairs(mw.text.split(options.claimindex, ",")) do 		if tonumber(index) and #claims >= tonumber(index) then 			table.insert(claims2, claims[tonumber(index)]) 		end 	end 	return claims2 end  function avoidvalue(claims, options) 	local avoidvalue = options.avoidvalue 	if type(avoidvalue) == "string" then 		avoidvalue = mw.text.split(avoidvalue, ",") 	elseif type(avoidvalue) ~= "table" then 		return claims 	end  	local claims4 = {} 	for i, j in pairs(claims) do 		local ID = get_snak_id(j) 		if ID and not table_contains(avoidvalue, ID) then 			table.insert(claims4, j) 		end 	end 	return claims4 end  function prefervalue(claims, options) 	local prefervalue = options.prefervalue 	if type(prefervalue) == "string" then 		prefervalue = mw.text.split(prefervalue, ",") 	elseif type(prefervalue) ~= "table" then 		return claims 	end  	local claims3 = {} 	for _, claim in pairs(claims) do 		local ID = get_snak_id(claim) 		if ID and table_contains(prefervalue, ID) then 			table.insert(claims3, claim) 		end 	end  	return claims3 end  function preferqualifier(claims, options) 	--[[ 	-- options.preferqualifier 	-- options.preferqualifiervalue 	]] 	local claims2 = {} 	local preferq_values = mw.text.split(options.preferqualifiervalue or "", ",")  	for _, statement in pairs(claims) do 		if statement.qualifiers and statement.qualifiers[options.preferqualifier:upper()] then 			if isvalid(options.preferqualifiervalue) then 				for _, quall in pairs(statement.qualifiers[options.preferqualifier:upper()]) do 					if quall.snaktype == "value" and table_contains(preferq_values, quall.datavalue.value["id"]) then 						table.insert(claims2, statement) 						break 					end 				end 			else 				table.insert(claims2, statement) 			end 		end 	end  	return claims2 end  function avoidqualifier(claims, options) 	-- options.avoidqualifier 	-- options.avoidqualifiervalue 	if isntvalid(options.avoidqualifier) then 		return claims 	end  	local av = options.avoidqualifier:upper() 	local avoidqualifiervalue_values = 		type(options.avoidqualifiervalue) == "string" and mw.text.split(options.avoidqualifiervalue, ",") or 		options.avoidqualifiervalue 	local claims2 = {}  	for _, statement in pairs(claims) do 		if not statement.qualifiers or not statement.qualifiers[av] then 			table.insert(claims2, statement) 		elseif isvalid(options.avoidqualifiervalue) then 			local active = true 			for _, quall in pairs(statement.qualifiers[av]) do 				if 					quall.snaktype == "value" and quall.datavalue and quall.datavalue.value and 						quall.datavalue.value["id"] and 						table_contains(avoidqualifiervalue_values, quall.datavalue.value["id"]) 				 then 					active = false 					break 				end 			end 			if active then 				table.insert(claims2, statement) 			end 		end 	end  	return claims2 end  function claims_limit(claims, limit) 	local newclaims = {} 	if type(limit) ~= "number" then 		limit = tonumber(limit) 	end 	if limit and type(limit) == "number" then 		if limit < 1 or #claims < limit then 			return claims 		end 		for i = 1, #claims do 			if i <= limit then 				newclaims[i] = claims[i] 			end 		end 		return newclaims 	end 	return claims end  function claims_offset(claims, offset) 	local offsetclaims = {} 	if type(offset) ~= "number" then 		offset = tonumber(offset) 	end 	if offset and type(offset) == "number" then 		for i = offset + 1, #claims do 			offsetclaims[#offsetclaims + 1] = claims[i] 		end 		return offsetclaims 	end 	return claims end  function sortbyarb(claims, sorting_properties, options) 	local sortingmethod = options.sortbyarbitrary or options.sortingmethod 	--mw.log("sortbyarb: " .. sortingmethod)  	table.sort( 		claims, 		function(a, b) 			local timeA = getDateArb(a, sorting_properties) 			local timeB = getDateArb(b, sorting_properties) 			if sortingmethod == "inverted" or sorting_methods[sortingmethod] == "inverted" then 				return comparedates(timeB, timeA) 			else 				return comparedates(timeA, timeB) 			end 		end 	) 	return claims end  function sort_langs(claims, options) 	local claims7 = {} 	local arabic_id = {["P407"] = 13955, ["P282"] = 8196} -- Q13955 = "العربية", Q8196 = "أبجدية عربية"  	for _, statement in pairs(claims) do 		for prop, id in pairs(arabic_id) do 			if statement.qualifiers and statement.qualifiers[prop] then 				for _, v in pairs(statement.qualifiers[prop]) do 					if v.snaktype == "value" and v.datavalue.value["numeric-id"] == id then 						table.insert(claims7, statement) 						break 					end 				end 			end 		end 	end  	if #claims7 > 0 then 		claims = claims7 	end  	return claims end  function sortbyqualifier(claims, sorting_properties, options) 	if not sorting_properties or #sorting_properties == 0 then 		sorting_properties = get_sorting_properties(options) 	end 	 	local sort_by = sorting_methods[options.sortbytime] or options.sortbytime  	table.sort( 		claims, 		function(a, b) 			local timeA = getqualifierbysortingproperty(a, sorting_properties) 			local timeB = getqualifierbysortingproperty(b, sorting_properties) 			if sort_by == "inverted" then 				return comparedates(timeB, timeA) 			else 				return comparedates(timeA, timeB) 			end 		end 	) 	return claims end  function sortbyqualifiernumber(claims, sorting_properties, options) 	if not sorting_properties or #sorting_properties == 0 then 		sorting_properties = get_sorting_properties(options) 	end  	local sort_by = sorting_methods[options.sortbynumber] or options.sortbynumber  	table.sort( 		claims, 		function(a, b) 			local timeA = getqualifierbysortingproperty(a, sorting_properties) 			local timeB = getqualifierbysortingproperty(b, sorting_properties) 			if sort_by == "inverted" then 				return comparedates(timeB, timeA) 			else 				return comparedates(timeA, timeB) 			end 		end 	) 	return claims end  function sort_claims(claims, options) 	local sortingmethod = options.sortbyarbitrary or options.sortingmethod 	local sorting_properties = get_sorting_properties(options)  	if isvalid(options.sortbytime) and sorting_methods[options.sortbytime] then 		if #sorting_properties == 0 then 			sorting_properties = sortingproperties 		end 		claims = sortbyqualifier(claims, sorting_properties, options) 	elseif isvalid(options.sortbynumber) and sorting_methods[options.sortbynumber] then 		claims = sortbyqualifiernumber(claims, sorting_properties, options) 	elseif isvalid(sortingmethod) and sorting_methods[sortingmethod] then 		claims = sortbyarb(claims, sorting_properties, options) 	end 	return claims end  function filter_claims(claims, options) 	local claims = claims  	if isntvalid(options.langpref) then 		claims = sort_langs(claims, options) 	end  	claims = sort_claims(claims, options)  	local offset = options.offset 	if isvalid(offset) then 		claims = claims_offset(claims, offset) 	end  	local limit = options.limit 	if isvalid(limit) then 		claims = claims_limit(claims, limit) 	end  	if isvalid(options.avoidqualifier) then -- to avoid value with a given qualifier 		claims = avoidqualifier(claims, options) 	end  	if isvalid(options.preferqualifier) then 		claims = preferqualifier(claims, options) 	end  	-- options.avoidvalue 	if isvalid(options.avoidvalue) then 		claims = avoidvalue(claims, options) 	end  	-- options.prefervalue 	if isvalid(options.prefervalue) then 		claims = prefervalue(claims, options) 	end  	-- options.getonly 	if isvalid(options.getonly) then 		claims = getonly(claims, options) 	end  	-- options.dontget 	if isvalid(options.dontget) then 		claims = dontget(claims, options) 	end  	local firstvalue = options.enbarten or options.firstvalue 	local first = isvalid(tonumber(firstvalue)) 	if isvalid(first) and #claims > 1 then 		if #claims > 0 then 			first = tonumber(first) or 1 			if first > 0 and first <= #claims then 				claims = {claims[first]} 			else 				claims = {claims[1]} 			end 		end 	elseif isvalid(firstvalue) and #claims > 0 then 		claims = {claims[1]} 	end  	local numval = options.numval 	if numval and type(numval) ~= "number" then 		numval = tonumber(numval) 	end 	if numval and type(numval) == "number" and #claims > 1 and #claims > numval then 		local claimsnumval = {} 		local ic = 1 		while (numval >= ic) and (#claims >= ic) do 			table.insert(claimsnumval, claims[ic]) 			ic = ic + 1 		end 		claims = claimsnumval 	end  	return claims end  function getEntityFromId(id) 	return isvalid(id) and mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(id) or mw.wikibase.getEntityObject() end  function formatError(key) 	return i18n.errors[key] end  function formatOneStatement(statement, ref, options) 	local value = nil 	local stat = formatStatement(statement, options) 	if not stat then 		return {v = value, raw = stat} 	end  	local s = stat.value 	if isntvalid(s) then 		return {v = value, raw = stat} 	end  	if not stat.qualifiers then 		stat.qualifiers = {} 	end  	local P585 = stat.P585 or "" 	local tf = stat.tifr 	local awardqual = stat.foto 	local ro = stat.ro 	local qp1a = stat.qp1a 	local onlyqualifier = stat.onlyqualifier 	local qp1 = stat.qp1 	local qp2 = stat.qp2 	local qp3 = stat.qp3 	local qp4 = stat.qp4 	local qp5 = stat.qp5 	local reff = stat.reff  	if reff and isvalid(options.reff) then 		s = s .. reff 	end 	if isvalid(options.template) then 		s = 			mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate { 			title = options.template, 			args = { 				stat.QQ1, 				s, 				stat.QQ2, 				stat.QQ3, 				stat.QQ4, 				stat.QQ5, 				stat.QQ6, 				stat.QQ7, 				stat.QQ8, 				stat.QQ9, 				stat.QQ10, 				entityId = options.entityId, 				v1 = options.v1, 				id = stat.ID 			} 		} 	end 	if isvalid(options.football) then 		s = 			mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate { 			title = "صندوق معلومات سيرة كرة قدم/سطر فريق", 			args = { 				stat.qualifiers.P580 or "", 				stat.qualifiers.P582 or "", 				s, 				stat.amatch, 				stat.goal 			} 		} 	end  	if isvalid(options.office) then 		s = 			mw.getCurrentFrame():expandTemplate { 			title = "معلومات صاحب منصب/منصب ويكي بيانات/نواة", 			args = { 				office = s, 				termstart = stat.qualifiers.P580 or "", 				termend = stat.qualifiers.P582 or "", 				constituency = stat.qualifiers.P768 or "", 				predecessor = stat.qualifiers.P1365 or "", 				successor = stat.qualifiers.P1366 or "", 				series = stat.qualifiers.P1545 or "", 				of = stat.qualifiers.P642 or "", 				electedin = stat.qualifiers.P2715 or "", 				jurisdiction = stat.qualifiers.P1001 or "", 				employer = stat.qualifiers.P108 or "", 				entityId = options.entityId 			} 		} 	end  	local function qoo(Prefix, qualpref, p, Suffix) 		if isvalid(p) then 			local stri = (Prefix or " (") .. (qualpref or "") .. p .. (Suffix or ")") 			if isvalid(options.nosmall) then 				return stri 			else 				return mw.text.tag("small", {}, stri) 			end 		end 	end 			   	local QPrefix = isvalid(options.qualifierprefix) 	local QSuffix = isvalid(options.qualifiersuffix)  	if isvalid(qp1) and isvalid(options.qual1) and isvalid(qp1a) and isvalid(options.qual1a) then 		s = s ..  			qoo(QPrefix, options.qual1pref, qp1, QSuffix) .. qoo(QPrefix, options.qp1apref, qp1a, QSuffix)  	elseif isvalid(qp1) and isvalid(options.qual1) then 		s = s .. qoo(QPrefix, options.qual1pref, qp1, QSuffix)  	elseif isvalid(qp1a) and isvalid(options.qual1a) then 		s = s .. qoo(QPrefix, options.qp1apref, qp1a, QSuffix) 	end  	if isvalid(qp2) and isvalid(options.qual2) then 		s = s .. qoo(QPrefix, options.qual2pref, qp2, QSuffix) 	end  	if isvalid(qp3) and isvalid(options.qual3) then 		s = s .. qoo(QPrefix, options.qual3pref, qp3, QSuffix) 	end 	if isvalid(qp4) and isvalid(options.qual4) then 		s = s .. qoo(QPrefix, options.qual4pref, qp4, QSuffix) 	end 	if isvalid(qp5) and isvalid(options.qual5) then 		s = s .. qoo(QPrefix, options.qual5pref, qp5, QSuffix) 	end  	if isvalid(options.justthisqual) then 		if onlyqualifier then 			s = onlyqualifier 		else 			s = nil -- We need only the qualifier 		end 	end 	if isvalid(ro) and isvalid(options.withro) then 		s = s .. qoo(QPrefix, "", ro, QSuffix) 	end  	if isvalid(P585) and isvalid(options.withdate) then 			if options.withdate == "y" then 				s = s .. qoo(QPrefix, "سنة ", P585, QSuffix) 			elseif options.withdate == "before" then 				s = "*" .. P585 .. ":" .. s .. "\n" 			else 				s = s .. qoo(QPrefix, "", P585, QSuffix) 			end 		end  	if awardqual and isvalid(options.awardqua) then 		s = s .. qoo(QPrefix, "", awardqual, QSuffix) 	end  	local bothdates = options.withintervall or options.bothdates 	if tf and isvalid(bothdates) then 		if bothdates == "line" then 			s = s .. mw.text.tag("br") .. qoo(QPrefix, "", tf, QSuffix) 		elseif bothdates == "before" then 			s = qoo(QPrefix, "", tf, QSuffix) .. s 		else 			s = s .. qoo(QPrefix, "", tf, QSuffix) 		end 	end  	if type(ref) == "table" or (isvalid(options.noref)) or (isvalid(options.justthisqual)) then 		value = s 	else 		local t = formatReferences(statement, options) 		stat.ref = t 		if isvalid(options.justref) then 			value = t 		elseif isvalid(options.onlyvaluewithref) then 			if isvalid(t) then 				value = s .. t 			end 		else 			value = s .. t 		end 	end 	return {v = value, raw = stat} end  function formatStatements(options, LuaClaims) 	local valuetable = {} -- formattedStatements 	local claims = {}  	if isntvalid(options.property) and isvalid(options.pid) then 		options.property = options.pid 	end 	 	if isntvalid(options.property) then 		return formatError("property-param-not-provided") 	end 	local option1 = options.option1 	if option1 and options.option1value then 		options[option1] = options.option1value 		options['"' .. option1 .. '"'] = options.option1value 	--mw.log( "option1: " .. option1 .. "value: " .. options.option1value  ) 	end 	if type(LuaClaims) == "table" then 		claims = LuaClaims[options.property] or {} 		mw.log("module:wikidata2: claims = LuaClaims[options.property]") 	else 		--Get entity 		local entity = nil 		if options.entity and type(options.entity) == "table" then 			entity = options.entity 		else 			local id = get_entityId(options) 			if isvalid(id) then 				local check = mw.ustring.match(id, "Q%d+") or mw.ustring.match(id, "P%d+") 				if check == nil then 					mw.addWarning(id .. " لا يمثل معرف ويكي بيانات صحيح") 					return "" 				else 					options.entityId = id 					options.qid = id 				end 			end 			entity = getEntityFromId(id) 		end 		--local property = mw.wikibase.resolvePropertyId( options.property:upper() ) 		local property = options.property:upper()  		if not entity then 			return "" 		end --TODO error? 		if not entity.claims or not entity.claims[property] then 			if isvalid(options.otherproperty) then 				options.property = options.otherproperty 				property = options.otherproperty:upper() 			end 		end 		if property == nil then 			return "" 		end 		if not entity.claims or not entity.claims[property] then 			return "" --TODO error? 		end  		--Format statement and concat them cleanly 		if options.rank == "best" or isntvalid(options.rank) then 			--claims = entity:getAllStatements( property ) 			claims = entity:getBestStatements(property) 		elseif options.rank == "valid" then 			for i, statement in pairs(entity.claims[property]) do 				if statement.rank == "preferred" or statement.rank == "normal" then 					table.insert(claims, statement) 				end 			end 		elseif options.rank == "all" then 			for i, statement in pairs(entity.claims[property]) do 				table.insert(claims, statement) 			end 		else 			for i, statement in pairs(entity.claims[property]) do 				if statement.rank == options.rank then 					table.insert(claims, statement) 				end 			end 		end 	end 	claims = filter_claims(claims, options) 	local statementsraw = {} 	local All_claims = claims 	if claims then 		if options["property-module"] or options["property-function"] then 			if not options["property-module"] or not options["property-function"] then 				return formatError("unknown-property-module") 			end 			local formatter = require("Module:" .. options["property-module"]) 			if not formatter then 				return formatError("property-module-not-found") 			end 			local fun = formatter[options["property-function"]] 			if not fun then 				return formatError("property-function-not-found") 			end  			mw.log("work with property-module: " .. options["property-module"] .. "|" .. options["property-function"]) 			return fun(claims, options) 		else 			for i, statement in pairs(claims) do 				options.num = i 				local va = formatOneStatement(statement, LuaClaims, options) 				if va.v then 					table.insert(valuetable, va.v) 				end 				table.insert(statementsraw, va.raw) 			end 		end 	end  	if isvalid(options.raw) then 		if isvalid(options.rawtolua) then 			return mw.getCurrentFrame():extensionTag("source", mw.dumpObject(statementsraw), {lang = "lua"}) 		end 		return statementsraw 	end  	local priff = "" 	local Separator = options.separator -- or "" 	local Conjunction = options.conjunction -- or ""  	if Separator == "br" or Conjunction == "br" then 		Separator = mw.text.tag("br") 	end 	if Separator == "*" then 		priff = "\n*" 		Separator = "\n*" 	end 	if Separator == "#" then 		priff = "\n#" 		Separator = "\n#" 	end 	if isvalid(options.justref) then 		priff = "" 		Separator = "" 	end  	local tot = mw.text.listToText(valuetable, Separator, Separator) 	if #valuetable > 1 then 		tot = priff .. tot 	end  	if isntvalid(tot) then 		tot = nil 	end 	if isvalid(options.returnnumberofvalues) or options.returnnumberofvalues == true then 		return tot, #valuetable 	end 	if isvalid(options.numberofclaims) then 		return #All_claims 	end 	return tot end  function p.formatAndCat(args) 	if args == nil then 		return nil 	end  	Frame_args = args 	args.linkback = args.linkback or true 	args.addcat = true 	if isvalid(args.value) and args.value == "-" then 		return nil 	end 	if isvalid(args.value) then 		local val = args.value .. addTrackingCategory(args) 		val = p.addLinkBack(val, args.entity, args.property) 		return val 	end 	return p.formatStatementsFromLua(args) end  function formatReferences(statement, options) 	local ic = 1 	local reference = {} 	local numberofref = tonumber(options.numberofreferences) or 7 	local qid = get_entityId(options) 	local statementreferences = statement.references  	if statementreferences then 		if Modulecite == nil then 			Modulecite = require(citetitle) 		end 		for i, ref in ipairs(statementreferences) do 			if ref.snaks and numberofref >= ic then 				local s = Modulecite._cite_wikidata(ref, qid) 				if isvalid(s) then 					ic = ic + 1 					table.insert(reference, s) 				end 			end 		end 	end  	local final = table.concat(reference) 	if isvalid(final) then 		final = final .. i18n.cateref 	end 	return final or "" end  function formatqualifiers(statement, s, options) 	s.qualifiers = {} 	local function qua(p, firstvalue, modifytime) 		local vvv 		if isvalid(p) then 			vvv = 				formatStatements( 				{ 					property = p, 					enlabelcate = "t", 					firstvalue = (firstvalue or ""), 					modifytime = (modifytime or "longdate"), 					noref = "t" 				}, 				statement.qualifiers 			) or "" 			s.qualifiers[p] = vvv 			return vvv 		end 	end  	if isvalid(options.template) then 		s.ID = statement.mainsnak.datavalue.value.id 		s.QQ1 = qua(options.Q1) 		s.QQ2 = qua(options.Q2) 		s.QQ3 = qua(options.Q3) 		s.QQ4 = qua(options.Q4) 		s.QQ5 = qua(options.Q5) 		s.QQ6 = qua(options.Q6) 		s.QQ7 = qua(options.Q7) 		s.QQ8 = qua(options.Q8) 		s.QQ9 = qua(options.Q10) 		s.QQ10 = qua(options.Q10) 	end 	if isvalid(options.football) then 		if statement.qualifiers.P1350 or statement.qualifiers.P1351 then 			s.amatch = qua("P1350", "true") 			s.goal = qua("P1351", "true") 		end 	end 	if (isvalid(options.football)) or (isvalid(options.office)) then 		s.start1 = qua("P580", "true")  		s.finish1 = qua("P582", "true") 	end 	if isvalid(options.office) then 		if 			statement.qualifiers.P580 or statement.qualifiers.P582 or statement.qualifiers.P1365 or 				statement.qualifiers.P1366 		 then 			s.before1 = qua("P1365", "true") 			s.after1 = qua("P1366", "true") 			s.constituency1 = qua("P768") 			s.series1 = qua("P1545") 			s.electedin1 = qua("P2715", "") 			s.pp1001 = qua("P1001") 			s.pp108 = qua("P108") 			s.pp642 = qua("P642") 		end 	end  	if isvalid(options.withdate) then 		--if statement.qualifiers.P585 then 		s.P585 = qua("P585", "true", options.modifyqualifiertime) 	end 	local qwe = options.qwer 	if statement.qualifiers.qwe then 		s.ro = qua(qwe, "true") 	end 	local bothdates_option = options.withintervall or options.bothdates 	if isvalid(bothdates_option) then 		if statement.qualifiers.P580 or statement.qualifiers.P582 then 			local f = qua("P580", "true", options.modifyqualifiertime) 			local t = qua("P582", "true", options.modifyqualifiertime) 			s.tifr = f .. "–" .. t 		end 	end 	if isvalid(options.awardqua) then 		if statement.qualifiers.P585 or statement.qualifiers.P1346 then 			local fo = qua("P585", "true", options.modifyqualifiertime) 			local to = qua("P1346", "true") 			s.foto = fo .. " " .. mw.text.tag("span", {}, " " .. to .. "") 		end 	end 	local function quaaal(opti, options) 		if isvalid(opti) and statement.qualifiers[opti] then 			local kkk = 				formatStatements( 				{ 					property = opti, 					noref = "t", 					separator = options.qualifierseparator, 					conjunction = options.qualifierconjunction, 					size = options.size, 					image = options.image, 					modifytime = options.modifyqualifiertime, 					enlabelcate = "t", 					langpref = options.langpref, 					showlang = options.showlang 				}, 				statement.qualifiers 			) or ""  			s.qualifiers[opti] = kkk 			return kkk 		end 	end  	if isvalid(options.justthisqual) and statement.qualifiers[options.justthisqual] then 		s.onlyqualifier = quaaal(options.justthisqual, options) 	end 	if isvalid(options.qual1) and statement.qualifiers[options.qual1] then 		s.qp1 = quaaal(options.qual1, options) 	end 	if isvalid(options.qual1a) and statement.qualifiers[options.qual1a] then 		s.qp1a = quaaal(options.qual1a, options) 	end 	if isvalid(options.qual2) and statement.qualifiers[options.qual2] then 		s.qp2 = quaaal(options.qual2, options) 	end 	if isvalid(options.qual3) and statement.qualifiers[options.qual3] then 		s.qp3 = quaaal(options.qual3, options) 	end 	if isvalid(options.qual4) and statement.qualifiers[options.qual4] then 		s.qp4 = quaaal(options.qual4, options) 	end 	if isvalid(options.qual5) and statement.qualifiers[options.qual5] then 		s.qp5 = quaaal(options.qual5, options) 	end end  function formatSnak(snak, options) 	if snak.snaktype == "somevalue" then 		local somevalue = options.somevalue or i18n["somevalue"] 		return {value = somevalue} 	elseif snak.snaktype == "novalue" then 		local novalue = options.novalue or i18n["novalue"] 		return {value = novalue} 	elseif snak.snaktype == "value" then 		local s = formatDatavalue(snak.datavalue, snak.datatype, options) 		if s and s.value and isvalid(s.value) then 			s.value = (options.prefix or "") .. s.value .. (options.suffix or "") 		end 		return s 	else 		return {value = formatError("unknown-snak-type")} 	end end  function formatStatement(statement, options) 	if options["claim-module"] or options["claim-function"] then 		if not options["claim-module"] or not options["claim-function"] then 			return {value = formatError("unknown-claim-module")} 		end 		local formatter = require("Module:" .. options["claim-module"]) 		if formatter == nil then 			return {value = formatError("claim-module-not-found")} 		end 		local fun = formatter[options["claim-function"]] 		if fun == nil then 			return {value = formatError("claim-function-not-found")} 		end 		return {value = fun(statement, options)} 	elseif statement.type == "statement" then 		local s = formatSnak(statement.mainsnak, options) 		if isvalid(s) then 			s.qualifiers = {} 			if statement.qualifiers then 				local qualu = formatqualifiers(statement, s, options) 			--if isvalid(qualu) then table.insert(qualu) end 			end 			if statement.references then 				if isvalid(options.reff) then 					s.reff = formatReferences(statement, options) 				end 			end 		end 		return s 	elseif not statement.type then 		return formatSnak(statement, options) 	end 	return {value = formatError("unknown-claim-type")} end    function get_property1(options, item) 	--[[ function to get countries flags without reload large countries items ]] 	local flagprop = {"p27", "p1532", "p17", "p495", "p1376"} 	local work_flag = false 	if string.lower(options.property1) == "p41" then 		for k, l in pairs(flagprop) do 			if string.lower(options.property) == l then 				work_flag = true 			end 		end 	end 	local caca = "" 	local size = options.size or "" 	if isntvalid(size) then 		size = "20" 	end 	if work_flag then 		if Moduleflags == nil then 			Moduleflags = require("Module:Wikidata2/Flags") 		end 		local flag = Moduleflags[item] 		if isntvalid(flag) then 			flag = 				formatStatements( 				{ 					property = options.property1, 					otherproperty = options.otherproperty1, 					entityId = item, 					rank = options.property1rank, 					pattern = options.property1pattern, 					formatting = options.property1formatting, 					noref = "t", 					firstvalue = "t" 				} 			) 		--mw.log("get flag2 :" .. flag .. ", for item ".. item ) 		end 		if isvalid(flag) then -- return real image 			if isvalid(options.image) then -- return real image 				caca = "[[file:" .. flag .. "|" .. size .. "px|" .. "border" .. "]]" 			--caca = Infobox_Image( {image=flag, size=size, maxsize = "280x330px", center=options.center} ) 			--mw.log("get flag :" .. flag .. ", for item ".. item ) 			end 		end 	end 	if isntvalid(caca) then 		caca =