

Longbow4u in Wiki Project
Commons Wikipedia
Haniwa horse statuette, Kofun period
Commons Wikipedia

どうぞ よろしく

Sorry, I do not speak Japanese. I want to add Wikimedia Commons templates to Japanese pages. (my progress) Please visit me on my other user pages.

I am a big fan of Wikimedia Commons. How many times did I look for a particular picture in Google, and I only got low quality rubbish or propaganda. Only about nine months of existence, and it already has many good pictures of the stuff I want. Thank You to You all!

Following some of the things I would like.

All images should be uploaded only to wiki commons, under PUBLIC DOMAIN licence, so our colleagues in the other wikipedia projects can use them too. It's so tiresome to convert national wikipedia images to wiki commons.

At least they should be dual licenced, so I read, with "GFDL" AND "CC-BY-SA" (Creative Commons), so that news and printmedia can use them, too. But I think best is "Public Domain", especially for easy taken pictures, perhaps not for maps and graphics.

I will publish all my photos and graphics under PD-licence. This is the easiest way, and makes it possible to re-use the images (or material) for others. Also, this licence is universal.

Some people seem obsessed with complicated licencing structures like Ca-bb-dc etc, even though they do not intend to exploit them commercially (obviously).

Technology columnist Nicholas Petreley once wrote:

Those who want information to be free as a matter of principle should create some information and make it free.


de Dieser Benutzer spricht Deutsch als Muttersprache.
This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.
Este usuario puede contribuir con un nivel avanzado de español.