
Из Википедии, бесплатной энциклопедии

local p = {}  function p._main(args) 	local ret = {} 	for i, v in ipairs(args) do 		v = mw.text.trim(v) 		-- Compatibility: Ignore arguments that only contain an apostrophe 		if v ~= '' and v ~= "'" then 			if ret[#ret] 				and not (ret[#ret]:find('_') or ret[#ret]:find('%-%)?$')) 				and not (v:find('_') or v:find('^%(?%-')) 			then 				table.insert(ret, '-') 			end 			if v:find('^[%u%(%)]+$') then 				v = '<span style="font-size:90%">' .. v .. '</span>' 			end 			table.insert(ret, v) 		end 	end 	ret = '<i title="English pronunciation respelling">' .. 		table.concat(ret):gsub('_', ' ') 			 -- Avoid dangling hyphens 			:gsub(' %-', ' -&#8288;') 			:gsub('^%-', '-&#8288;') 		.. '</i>' 	if args.link ~= 'no' then 		ret = '[[:en:Help:Pronunciation respelling key|' .. ret .. ']]' 	end 	return ret end  function p.main(frame) 	return p._main(frame:getParent().args) end  return p